Dec 31, 2018
Holiday Schedule
New Year’s Day 1/1 – One class at 0900 (NO childcare)
Open Gym 1000-1130
Working in teams of 3, complete:
- 2019m Row (alternate every 1:00)
Then, each athlete at a station, complete 5 rounds of:
- 19 Burpees
- 19 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
- 19 Abmat Sit Ups
then complete:
Dec 31, 2018
Holiday Schedule
NYE Monday 12/31 we are running a limited class schedule with only one evening class. There will be the following classes: 0530, 0630, 0900 (NO childcare), 1130, 1715
New Year’s Day 1/1 – One class at 0900 (NO childcare)
Open Gym 1000-1130
Microcycle Preview
- Monday: Clean
- Tuesday: Team workout
- Wednesday: Overhead Squat
- Thursday: Long conditioning
- Friday: Back squat
- Saturday: Team workout
Dec 30, 2018
Holiday Schedule
NYE Monday 12/31 we are running a limited class schedule with only one evening class. There will be the following classes: 0530, 0630, 0900 (NO childcare), 1130, 1715
New Year’s Day 1/1 – One class at 0900 (NO childcare)
Open Gym 1000-1130
Every :30 for 7:00:
- Clean from position 2 x 2 reps
4 Rounds for time:
- 60 Double Unders
- 8 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (50/35)
- 20/15 Calories
Dec 28, 2018
Holiday Schedule
NYE Monday 12/31 we are running a limited class schedule with only one evening class. There will be the following classes: 0530, 0630, 0900 (NO childcare), 1130, 1715
New Year’s Day 1/1 – One class at 0900 (NO childcare)
Open Gym 1000-1130
With a partner, alternating full rounds, complete 4 rounds each of:
- 10 Pull Ups
- 2 Man Makers (35/25)
Then, complete 4 rounds each of:
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 40 Double Unders
Then, complete 4 rounds each of:
- 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
- 10/8 Calories
35:00 time cap.
Dec 27, 2018
Holiday Schedule
*Normal schedule resumes 12/27
NYE Monday 12/31 we are running a limited class schedule with only one evening class. There will be the following classes: 0530, 0630, 0900 (NO childcare), 1130, 1715
New Year’s Day 1/1 – One class at 0900 (NO childcare)
Open Gym 1000-1130
Back Squat
- Build to a heavy 2-3 @ 33X1
- Drop 10% and do 2 sets of 2-3 @ 33X1
For time:
then 10 rounds:
- 10 Air Squats
- 20m Farmer’s Carry (50/35)
- 6 Burpees over the Dumbbells