Tuesday, July 10

Strength: 3 sets of max handstand holds

Rest as needed between efforts

3 rounds for time of:

Close: Using a belt or similar implement, perform PNF (contract and relax) hamstring stretch on each side. Stop when you can no longer deepen the stretch.

Monday, July 9


5 rounds for time of

Close: Mobilize your hips for at least 2 minutes on each side. If you are feeling particularly tight, and you are feeling things open up, stay in the stretch for longer.

Saturday, July 7

Complete 100 Burpees for time.

Surely you saw this one coming. As a matter of fact, I bet most of you have already done this without prompting, right? Get on it already, all of you should should easily trump your time from May.

Luckily Cartagena does not wake up until 8am, so there won’t be many people out while I do my burpees outside our apartment in Bolivar Square.

Solidarity is on vacation!

We are taking a much anticipated trip to Colombia, where we will spend our days drinking coffee, eating patacones and chicharrones, and testing whether CrossFit at 2600m will kill us.

What should you do? Take a much deserved Tuesday break: take a long walk (or just soak up Vitamin D by sitting outside with a fan), do some mobility work, or do something that sounds like fun to you. Keep an eye on the blog for fun, no equipment workouts. We’ll be posting regularly while we’re gone.

Regular classes will resume July 16th. See you then!

Monday, July 2

Mobilize: Pre-Squat Hip Sequence, Front Rack

Strength: Front Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1


Three Rounds (not for time) of,

  •  12 Supine Ring Rows
    -rest 30 seconds –
  • 12 Push Ups
    -rest 30 seconds-

Then, In 15 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of,

  • 30 Double Unders
  • 24 Walking Lunges (12L/12R)
  • 12 Sit-Ups

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBHzXF-mVjY]