rope climbs

*Programming Note*

Tomorrow is the start of a new 5 week cycle.  Our program is centered around the CrossFit Games season and we are now in the “late off-season.”  We will be moving away from hypertrophy work and towards more max strength work.  Think smaller rep ranges and heavier weights.  Olympic lifting will start to add more stress under fatigue.  Can you move the barbell efficiently when you are tired?  The gymnastics work will include more dynamic movements.  The conditioning will start to include higher repetition work.  In addition, if you own a heart rate monitor, you will have the opportunity to work with it.  We will be providing you with heart rate ranges to shoot for while performing the conditioning.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask one of your coaches.


4 Sets:

  • 2-4 Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups @ 20X0
  • 2-4 Strict Ring Pull Up 1 1/2 Reps

For the pull ups, you will pull from an extended arm position as high as you can while maintaining a hollow body, lower half way down, then pull as high as you can once more.  That is 1 rep.


  • Handstand Push Ups from a box
  • Ring Row 1 1/2 Reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 12:00:

  1. Muscle Up Eccentric x 3
  2. Ring Rows with a false grip x 6-8
  3. Jump to Ring Support x 3-5


  1. Keep feet on the ground for the entire rep.
  2. False grip hold with extended arms x 10-20s
  3. Support on boxes x 3-5


Complete as many rounds as possible in 8:00 of:

  • 3 Wall Walks
  • 5 Kipping Pull Ups
  • 10m Press Drag
  • 10 V-ups

Optional Independent Work

3 Sets:

  • 8-12 Sidelying Dumbbell External Rotations
  • 10 Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions @ 30X0
  • 10 Turkish Sit Ups