
8x ‘Shankle Complex’ @ 80% of max clean from 20130302

  • 1 Clean Deadlift w/ Pause
  • 3 Jump & Bumps
  • 1 Hang Clean
  • 2 Split Jerk
Recover as necessary between efforts.


Tabata Double Unders
-rest 1 minute-
Max Effort Wall Ball (20/14) in 90 seconds
-rest 1 minute-
One Max Effort set of Ring Dips followed by Max Burpees in 90 seconds
-rest 1 minute-
Max Effort Wall Ball in 1 minute
-rest 1 minute-
 One Max Effort set of Ring Dips followed by Max Burpees in 1 minute
– rest 1 minute-
Max Effort Wall Ball in 30 seconds
– rest 1 minute-
One Max Effort set of Ring Dips followed by Max Burpees in 30 seconds

Potluck Tomorrow!

Potluck on Saturday from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Bring a dish to share (make sure it’s Whole Life Challenge compliant, or “Whole Life happy,” for those people who are participating) and a chair if you’d like to sit down. Family members are welcome. Also, we’re having a mini competition: we’ll be voting on our favorite dish; the winner takes home a copy of Well Fed!