
Take 8 minutes to build to a heavy weighted pull up.


Perform 3 sets of 1-2 pull up negatives as slow as possible.


Today, we will be testing our weighted pull up. Take as many sets as needed to find a max weight for 1 rep. Any style grip is acceptable, but you should note whether you performed them supinated or pronated for future reference.

If you are not performing weighted pull ups, you will perform 3 sets of 1-2 negatives. Start at the top of the pull up with the bar contacting your chest below the collar bone and lower slowly through the whole range of motion until your arms are fully extended.


Take 8 minutes to build to a heavy weighted dip.


Perform 3 sets of 1-2 dip negatives as slowly as possible.


Part 2 of today’s strength is finding a heavy weighted dip. Be sure to move through a full range of motion from lockout, through a deep dip, keeping your torso upright, then pressing back up to lockout.

If you are not performing weighted dips, you will perform 1-2 negatives. Start from support, keeping shoulders active, lower down as slow as you can until you reach the lowest point your shoulders allow with an upright torso.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 8:00:

5 Power Cleans
10 Box Jumps step down
10 Pull Ups


Today’s workout is a triplet of power cleans, box jumps, and pull ups. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed in 8-minutes.

Choose a moderate weight on the power cleans. Quick singles would be a good strategy keep your heart rate a bit lower and save your grip.

Choose a box height that allows you to move smoothly and safely throughout the workout.

The pull ups should be done in 1-2 sets each round. Adjust the number of reps or substitute banded pull ups, jumping pull ups, or ring rows.