
Back Rack Reverse Lunges @ 20X1

  • x 3/side x 4 sets


Today’s strength is back rack reverse lunges. You will complete 4 sets of 3 reps per leg. Do not alternate legs each rep. Complete all 3 reps on one side, then complete all 3 reps on the other side.

Every rep will be performed with a :02 descent, light tap of the knee on the ground, and :01 pause between reps. Choose a weight that feels challenging, but allows you maintain the tempo and a soft touch of the knee on the ground each rep. If you were here for last week’s sets of 4, aim to use 5% more weight this week.

This is the last week of our lunge progression.


10 Rounds for time

  • 6 Box Jumps
  • 7 Push Ups
  • 8 Dumbbell Hang Snatch

16-minute time cap


Today’s conditioning is 10 rounds of box jumps, push ups, and hang snatch. Your score is the time to complete all 10 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 16-minute time cap.

The box jumps should be done to a height that allows you to complete the 6 reps without hesitation every round. Make sure you will be safe every rep, even as your legs get tired.

The push ups should be done unbroken every round. Perform your push ups with your hands on a bench or box if you think you will reach local muscle failure during your sets of 7.

The hang snatch should be at a moderate weight that allows you to complete the 4 reps per side unbroken. If you are using a dumbbell, switch arms every rep. If you are using a kettlebell, switch arms after 4 reps.