
Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • 1 slow snatch pull + 1 snatch from position 2


Today’s strength is a slow snatch pull + 1 snatch from position 2. You will complete 1 rep of the complex at the top of every minute for 10 minutes. You may either build throughout the 10-minutes or stay at the same weight across all sets.

During the snatch pull, we are slowing things down to allow you to focus on staying balanced, driving the bar straight up, and hitting your positions precisely.

Pass through a full squat during snatch from position 2. Focus on keeping the knees back, chest up, and toes down on the ground as at position 2. Then drive vertically, keeping the bar close to your body, and receiving in a solid overhead support position.


4 Rounds for time:

  • 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
  • 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

13:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is 4 rounds of Russian kettlebell swings and burpee box jump overs. Your score is the time it takes to complete 4 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 13-minute time cap.

Russian kettlebell swings means that you’re arms will be parallel to the ground at the top of the swing. Because the range of motion is smaller, grab a slightly heavier kettlebell than typically use. But the goal should still be to complete the 20 reps in 1 or 2 quick sets.

The burpee box jump overs should take no longer than 2-minutes to complete each round. Choose a box height that allows you to jump up safely each rep without hesitation. Adjust the number of reps, if needed.