Hyam DL


1) Fitness: Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 10 minutes, one clean or hang clean and jerk.  Start light and work up in weight. If form degrades then drop weight back down.

Performance: EMOM for 10 minutes one Clean & Jerk, start at 75% & work up.

2a) Fitness: Press, 3×5 Linear Progression then 3×3 Push Press @ +10-20%

Performance: Press, 3RM, then two drop sets at 80%

2b) 3x Max Effort (ME) Weighted/Strict Pull Ups, Aim for 5-8 reps

Optional independent work:

3a) 4x 8 Behind the Neck Weighted Sit Ups, AHAP

3b) 3x ME Kipping Pull Ups concentrating on perfect form with active shoulder, feet together, toes pointed, etc.

If you do not have pull ups, 3×4 pull up negatives with a 5 second tempo

Mobility/Cash Out

KStar Banded Lat Stretch– 2 min per side