
Turkish Get Ups

Build up to a moderate-heavy weight and perform 6-10 reps per side.

Forward fold with shoulder extension 5 reps + :05-:15 hold on last rep after every 2-3 TGU reps/side


Try to perform these are a heavier weight than you used for our first TGU session this month on 7/7/23

Focus on keeping the elbow locked out and arm angled vertically towards the ceiling throughout the rep.

To make the forward fold with shoulder extension more challenging you can bring the hands closer together. The same principal applies to bring the feet closer together as opposed to being in a standing straddle. You can also experiment with both pronating and supinating the hands. If you are very tight, start with wide legs and a wide grip and work your way closer as your flexibility improves.


4 sets

In 2:00
10 double KB cleans
10 double KB push press
max calories in remaining time

Rest 1:00 between rounds


Today’s workout is four intervals of KB cleans, KB push press, and calories. You will complete 10 cleans and 10 push press and then complete as many calories as you can in the remaining time of the 2:00 window. You will rest 1:00 between rounds and your score will be the total number of calories you complete.

Choose your kettlebell weight based off of which movement will limit you the most, which will likely be the push press.

Try to push the cleans and push press to be unbroken throughout the four rounds. However, you are welcome to break the cleans 9 + 1, before proceeding into the push press.