
Teams of 3

150 calories
25 synchro double Kettlebell deadlift
75ft bear crawl (relay)
50 burpee box jump overs
75ft low crawl (relay)
25 synchro double Kettlebell deadlift
150 calories

25 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3. You will start by accumulating 150 calories on a single machine, you will then complete 25 syncho kettlebell deadlifts, 75 ft of bear crawling, 50 burpee box jumpovers, 75 of low crawling, another 25 synch KB deadlifts, and another 150 calories on the machine. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work, or the amount of reps completed at the 30 minute time cap.

Your calories will be completed with one person working at a time (OPWAAT). Aim to complete the calories at a pace of at least 15 per minute. If this is not possible, consider lowering to sets of 130 calories. You may switch partners on the machine as often as you’d like.

Choose kettlebells that allow you to complete the 25 reps in 1-2 sets at a time. Be sure to be synchronized at lockout on each rep. Be sure to keep a neutral spine and avoid excessive bouncing throughout these sets.

The crawling is to be completed relay style. This means that partner 1 will complete the entire 75ft crawl before partner 2 begins. Once partner 2 has completed their crawl, partner 3 will then do the same.

The BBJO will be completed OPWAAT style Choose a safe height for the burpee box jumpover that allows you to move smoothly without hesitation or any risk of missing a rep. You may opt to step over if you are not confident with the jump on any rep. Keep these sets small so that you can maintain a quick pace. 3-5 reps before switching is probably best.