

Toes to Bar


If you have been doing the toe to bar building drill then do toes to X, with X being the max height you reached on your ttb building drill sets.


For time

30 wall balls
20 box jump overs w/ step down
10 power snatch

5 minute cap


The workout today is a sprint chipper of wall balls, box jump overs, and power snatches. Your score is the time it takes to complete the chipper or reps completed at the 5 minute time cap.

Wall balls should be done in 1-2 sets. If you feel comfortable with wall balls, it is encouraged that you try a heavier weight than you normally would.

Box jump overs will be performed with a step down on either side. No rebounding is allowed. Choose a height that you will not hesitate on, and you are always welcome to step up if your legs are overly fatigued.

Your snatch weight should be light-moderate so that you can push the last 10 reps to be completed in 1-2 sets.