Updated Thanksgiving Schedule:

  • Friday November 27
    • 1000 Park WOD at Washington Park
  • Saturday, November 28
    • 0900 Park WOD at Washington Park

Don’t forget to RSVP for class!


Every minute on the minute for 30:00:

  • Minute 1: 12-15 Calories
  • Minute 2: 12 Toes to Bar
  • Minute 3: 5 Power Cleans


Today’s conditioning is 30-minutes of calories, toes to bar, and power cleans. You will rotate to a new station at the top of every minute.

The calories should be completed at a sustainable pace that still allows you time to transition to the next station. Adjust the number accordingly. If you do not have a machine, sub a 100-200m run.

The toes to bar should be done in 1-2 sets. Substitute knee raises or sit ups if needed.

The power cleans should be done at a challenging weight. If you are using a barbell, singles at a pace of one rep every :05 would be appropriate. If you do not have a heavy weight available, add reps.