
4 Rounds

  • :20 of Push Ups
  • :10 Rest
  • :20 of Strict Pull Ups
  • :10 Rest


Today’s strength is push ups and pull ups. The goal is to move continuously during the :20 of work for each round.

There is no tempo restriction on the push ups, however do not move so fast that you limit the range of motion. If you do not think you can move consistently for :20, elevate your hands on a bench or a box.

The pull ups are meant to be strict. Try not to come off the pull up bar more than once or twice during the :20 of work. You may substitute ring rows or, if you do not have a pull up bar, heavy rows.


2 Rounds for time:

  • 48 Double Unders
  • 16 Thrusters
  • 8 Burpee Pull Ups

Rest 5:00

For time:

  • 96 Double Unders
  • 32 Thrusters
  • 16 Burpee Pull Ups


Today’s workout is two parts. Your scores will be the time to complete each portion. The total number of reps is the same in each part. See if you can get the same score.

The double unders should take no longer than :45 for the sets of 48 and 1:30 for the set of 96. This allows you time for one or two quick breaks each set. You can adjust the number of reps or switch to single unders.

The thrusters should be at a light weight that allows you to complete the sets of 16 unbroken. You may use a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells.

The burpee pull ups should be done to a pull up bar that is 6″ above your reach. Use the momentum from the jump to help you with the pull up. You may adjust this by finding a lower pull up bar. If you do not have access to a pull up bar, you can substitute single arm devil press.