Monday 2016.04.11



Every two minutes for 8 rounds complete 1 Hang Snatch. Build across sets but aim for zero misses.



In 8:00, complete as many rounds as possible of the ladder:

  • 1 Power Snatch @ 75% of today’s hang snatch
  • 6 Handstand Push Ups
  • 2 Power Snatches
  • 6 Handstand Push Ups
  • 3 Power Snatches
  • 6 Handstand Push Ups


In 8:00, complete as many rounds as possible of the ladder:

  • 1 Hang Power Snatch
  • 6 Push Ups
  • 2 Hang Power Snatches
  • 6 Push Ups
  • 3 Power Snatches
  • 6 Push Ups…

Saturday 2016.04.09

Danielle MU


Teams of 4 or 5, OPWAAT:

In 10 minutes, accumulate as many calories on the assault bike as possible rotating every 10/7 calories (one assault bike per team).

Immediately into…

In 10 minutes, accumulate as many burpee box jump overs as possible rotating every 6 reps.

Immediately into…

In 10 minutes, accumulate as many calories on the assualt bike as possible rotating every 10/7 calories.

Friday 2016.04.08

Kendal pulls Gray


Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes:

Minute 1: 6-10 Ring Row @ 2121
Minute 2: 30-50 Double Unders
Minute 3: 0:10 Body Tightener + 0:20 Angled Wall Hold


Festivus Games WOD 1

For time:

  • 25 Wall Balls
  • 25 Air Squats
  • 25 No-Rock Hand Release Push Ups
  • 25 Double Unders or 50 Single Unders
  • 25 American KB Swings
  • 25 Double Unders or 50 Single Unders
  • 25 No-Rock Hand Release Push Ups
  • 25 Air Squats
  • 25 Wall Balls

10:00 minute time cap

Male Intermediate – 20lb medball, on-toes pushups, 10-feet wall-ball target, 53lb kb
Female Intermediate – 14lb medball, on-toes pushups, 9-feet wall-ball target, 35lb kb
Male Novice/Masters – 14lb medball, on-toes pushups, 10-feet wall-ball target, 44lb kb
Female Novice/Masters – 10lb medball, on-knees pushups, 9-feet wall-ball target, 26lb kb

Wednesday 2016.04.06

Jeri sled drag


4 Sets:

  • Dual Dumbbell or Dual KB Bulgarian Split Squat x 8-10 ea. leg
  • Split Press x 6 right leg forward
  • Split Press x 6 left leg forward


4 Sets:

  • 2 minutes to row 15/12 Calories
  • Max Toes to Bar in time remaining

Rest 2:00

Tuesday 2016.04.05

Ethan Dual KB Press


15 minutes to work up to a heavy single clean and jerk.


For Time:

  • 800m Run
  • 40 Pull Ups
  • 20 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

14:00 Cap