Monday 2015.04.06

Record BAFD


1a) 4-4-4-4 Push Press – no racks.

1b) 4x 5 Weighted / Strict Pull Ups



Three rounds for time:

  • Run 400 meters
  • 21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
  • 12 Pull-ups

Saturday 2015.04.04


Sydney power clean

0845 Weightlifting

Skill work as prescribed.

1000 CrossFit – Bring a Friend Day!

Welcome Friends!

Working in teams of four, as many rounds as possible in 25 Minutes:

  • 4 x 250m Row Relay
  • 4 x 10 Push-Ups Relay
  • 4 x 10 Pull-Ups Relay
  • 4 x 10 Front Squats Relay (135/95)

Every minute on the minute including the first each team must complete 15 burpees (can be divided in any way and performed simultaneously)

Friday 2015.04.03

Pre WOD Mobility


1a) 3×3 Snatch Pulls, heavy but perfect 1st pull mechanics

Keep the arms straight but not stiff, if the elbows bend a bit after extension that is fine and preferable to locking the arms out and causing the bar travel forward.

1b) 3x Max Effort Ring Dips. Don’t kip.


For time:

  • Row 300m
  • 10 Wall Ball (20/14)
  • Row 300m
  • 20 Wall Ball
  • Row 300m
  • 30 Wall Ball
  • Row 300m
  • 40 Wall Ball

Strict 12 minute time limit (for scoring purposes 10 meters = 1 point or 30 points for 300 meters, round down to nearest 10). If you are competing in Festivus use the specific target/weight for your division.

Wednesday 2015.04.01

Cory clean


Every 90 seconds for 8 rounds complete 1 Clean + 2 Front Squats

Start at ~60% (max clean) and try to add weight each round.


4 rounds:

  • 1 Minute Max Effort (ME) Power Cleans (135/95)

Rest 30 seconds

  • 1 minute ME Burpees to 45# Plate

Rest 30 seconds


Tuesday 2015.03.31

Mandy Rowing


Work to a heavy single Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats. Fitness athletes may pull from the hang.

Split snatch + 2 Overhead lunges are always acceptable.



Utilizing a continuously running clock, on the given minute, run the given distance:

  • Start- 1 mile
  • 12 min.- 800m
  • 18 min.- 400m
  • 21 min.- 200m
  • 23 min.- 100m
  • 24 min.- 50m

Compare to 2014.09.12,  2013.10.02, 2013.05.23, 2014.12.27