Tuesday 2015.05.12



1a) Fitness: Bench Press, 3×5 LP

Performance: Bench Press, 5RM, then one drop set @ 90%

1b) 3×2 16′ Rope Climb, legless if possible


3 Rounds of:

  • A) 1:00 Max Effort Burpees (100% effort, do not game for overall score)

Rest 1:00

  • B) 80% of Burpees from A (in 1:00)

Rest 1:00

Record score of part “A” for each round.


Monday 2015.05.11



Fitness: Deadlift, 4×2 Linear Progression

Performance: Deadlift 2RM



  • Kettlebell Snatch (53/35)
  • Air Squats
  • Toes to Bar

Saturday 2015.05.09


0845 Weightlifting

1) Snatch, pause two seconds 2″off floor and two seconds in bottom of receiving position: 3@ 40%, 3@ 50%, 2@ 60%, 2@ 70%, 2@ 75%, 1@ 80%, then find max with zero misses

2) Jerk, 1RM with pause five seconds in dip and catch, then 3 @ 80%.

1000 CrossFit


Work to a 5RM Push Press, then drop sets @ 95% and 90%


Working in teams of four, OPWAAT, 15 minutes, as many reps as possible:

  • 3 Rope Climbs
  • 30 Wall Ball (20/14)
  • 9 Wall Walks
  • 30 Slam Ball (40/30)

Important notes: 

a) 150 burpees must be completed by the end of time or the team is disqualified. Burpees are an exception to the OPWAAT condition- burpees can be worked simultaneously to the AMRAP.

b) The rope climbs, and only the rope climbs, can be done at any point in the round. Once one rope climb has started however all three must be completed for that round. Once three are done the team must move on to a new movement (you may not do 6 climbs in a row).

Friday 2015.05.08



Fitness: Back Squat, 3×5 Linear Progression

Performance: Work to a 5RM with a two second pause at bottom during first rep only. Then two drop sets at 90% with no pauses.


7 minutes, as many rounds as possible:

  • 4 Box Jumps (30/24, jump unless you feel unsafe doing so)
  • 8 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
  • 32 Double Unders


Hip internal rotation with KB

Wednesday 2015.05.06



1) 5 minutes of handstand practice

2a) Fitness: Press, 3×5 Linear Progression

Performance: Press, 5RM, then two drop set: 95% and 90%

2b) Weighted/Strict Pull-Ups 3xME (aim for 5-8 reps)


Teams of 2, OPWAAT, as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

  • 3 Power Snatches (135/95)
  • 6 Ring Dips – no kipping
  • 9 Pull Ups
  • 250m Row

Alternate whole rounds