Tuesday 2015.05.19


Fitness: One deadlift, EMOM for 10 minutes at new linear progression weight. Do not work up.

Performance: One deadlift paused three seconds 2″ off ground,  EMOM for 10 minutes starting at 75%. Work up but keep form tight.


4 rounds, not for time, go unbroken on each:

  • 15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
  • 10 Walking Front Rack Lunges (155/105)
  • 40 Double Unders

Monday 2015.05.18

Emily kips


1) Fitness: Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 15 minutes, one full clean or hang clean.  Start light and work up in weight. If form degrades then drop weight back down.

Performance: EMOM for 15 minutes, one full clean. Start at 75%; you may work up but there should be zero misses.

2a) Fitness: Bench Press, 3×5 Linear Progression

Performance: Bench Press, 5RM, then drop sets at 95% & 90%

2b) Pendlay Rows, 3x 10 AHAP

Optional independent work:

3a) Fat Grip Unilateral Farmer’s Walk, 25m x 6 – alternate hands (50m per round) – AHAP with good form (keep body/shoulders/pelvis square with no stopping during 25m segments)

3b) 3x 8 Tricep Extension on Rings – maintain perfect plank


Saturday 2015.05.16


0845 Weightlifting

1) Tall Snatch – heavy single no misses

2a) No footwork / No hookgrip Snatch – heavy single no misses

2b) High Hang Snatch – heavy single no misses

3) C&J Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Ground & in Jerk Recieving postion 2 sec 40%/3, 50%/3, 60%/2, 70%/2, 75%/2, 80%/1, then max with no misses

1000 Conditioning

Teams of four, good luck & have fun:

  • 2000m Row (500 each relay)
  • 100m Sprint Relay
  • 20 Push-ups Relay
  • 30 Air Squat Relay
  • 100 DB Snatch (70/50) alt arms cumulative OPWAAT
  • 30 Air Squat Relay
  • 20 Push-up Relay
  • 100m Sprint Relay
  • 2000m Row (500m each relay)

Atomic Teamer!

Friday 2015.05.14



1a) Fitness: Press, 3×5 Linear Progression

Performance: Press, 3RM, then two drop sets at 95% and 90%

1b) Weighted/Strict Pull-Ups 3xME (aim for 5-8 reps)



3 Rounds:

  • 300m Run
  • 6 Push Ups or Ring Dips
  • 6 Ring Rows or Pull Ups
  • 20 Wall Ball (20/14)

rest 2 minutes


3 Rounds:

  • 300m Run
  • 4 Muscle Ups  (20/14)
  • 20 Wall Ball

rest 2 minute

Wednesday 2015.05.13



1) Fitness: EMOM for 12 minutes, one full snatch.  Start light and work up in weight throughout. If form degrades then drop weight back down.

Performance: EMOM for 12 minutes, one full snatch with a three second pause at the absolute bottom. Start at around 70%; you may work up but there should be zero misses.

2) Fitness: Front Squat, 3×5 Linear Progression

Performance: Front Squat, work to a heavy single with a three second pause at the absolute bottom. Then do 3×3 @ 80% with no pauses.

Optional independent work:

3a) 3x 50m Overhead Axle Bar Carry

3b) 3x :30 Weighted Plank