Wednesday 2024.05.08


Teams of 3, for time.

800m run
15-9-6 rope lowers
30-18-12 box jump overs

800m run
15-9-6 devil press
30-18-12 strict rope knee raises

25 minute cap


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3. You will start with an 800m run, followed by 15-9-6 rope lowers and 30-18-12 box jump overs. You will then do another 800m run, followed by 15-9-6 devil press and 30-18-12 rope knee raises. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work.

The runs should be done as a team and shouldn’t take much more than about 4:00-4:30. If you cannot reach this pace then consider slightly reducing the distance.

Everything besides the run is done OPWAAT style.

Perform 1-3 rope lowers and devil presses at a time before switching partners.

Perform 3-5 box jump overs and 4-6 rope knee raises at a time before switching.

Monday 2024.05.06

Strength and Mobility

Frankenstein front squat 3-4 sets of 3-5 reps @ 31×1 tempo

3 wall bridge rotations per side between sets


barbell overhead reverse lunges
toes to bar

rest 2 mins

barbell back rack reverse lunges

14 minute cap


Today’s workout will start with 12-10-8 reps of barbell overhead lunges and toes to bar. After resting two minutes you will then do 24-20-16 reps of barbell back rack reverse lunges and v-ups. Your sore is the time it takes to complete all of the work, or the amount of reps completed at the time cap if you do not finish.

Use the same weight throughout the workout. use a light-moderate weight that allows you do be unbroken on all of the lunges. If you cannot perform lunges with a quality overhead position then you may substitute front rack lunges instead of overhead.

The toes to bar should be completed in 1-2 sets per round. You may substitute knee raises or straight leg raises if necessary.

The v-ups should be done in 1-3 sets per round. You may scale to single leg v-ups, tuck ups, or single leg tuck ups. You may also do sit ups instead.

Saturday 2024.05.04

2024 Reps for Time

Teams of 3

400m run
45 power snatch
97 burpees
400m run
60 hang power cleans
81 pull ups
400m run
120 deadlifts
21 wall walks
400m run


Congratulations 2024 graduates!

Today’s workout is 2024 reps for time, to be completed in teams of 3. There will be four 400m runs. In between each run will be a couplet featuring a barbell movement and a bodyweight movement. The first couplet will be power snatches and burpees. The second couplet will be hang power cleans and pull ups. The final couplet will be deadlifts and wall walks. Your score is the time it takes your team to complete all of the reps.

Everything will be done OPWAAT-style except for the runs.

The runs should be completed together, as a team. Aim for about 2:00 per 400m if possible. If you are significantly slower than this, consider reducing the distance.

You will use a single weight on the barbell throughout the workout. It should feel like a moderate-heavy weight for the power snatch, a moderate weight for the hang power clean, and a light weight for the deadlift. Each team member should be completing 1-5 power snatches at a time, 5-10 hang power cleans at a time, and 10+ deadlifts at a time, before switching teammates.

Keep the burpee sets small enough to maintain a quick pace. maybe 3-5 per partner before switching.

Choose a pull up variation that allows you to get 5-10 reps at a time before switching. You may substitute ring rows or jumping pull ups if necessary.

The wall walks should be completed at a pace of about 4 per minute or faster. If you are significantly slower than this, consider reducing the range of motion on some or all of your reps. Switch teammates every 1-3 reps.

Friday 2024.05.03


Build to a heavy single snatch.


4 rounds for time

50ft dumbbell front rack walking lunge
10 db push press
12-15 calories
10 renegade rows

rest 1 minute between rounds

13 minute cap


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of a 50ft dumbbell front rack walking lunge, 10 dumbbell push presses, 12-15 calories, and 10 renegade rows. You will rest 1 minute between each round. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout, including the rest.

Choose a moderate weight set of dumbbells that allows you to do the lunges, push press, and renegade rows unbroken. The renegade row will just be a dumbbell row from the pushup plank position. 10 reps means 10 total reps, or 5 rows per side.

The calories shouldn’t take more than :45. Reduce the amount if necessary.

Thursday 2024.05.02

Strength & Mobility

3-4 sets

incline db bench press build to heavy set of 8 @ 21×1
ring row build to heavy set of 8 @ 21×1
kickstand RDL stretch x10 + :10/side


across 3-4 rounds, build up to your heaviest weight you can perform for 8 quality reps at the prescribed tempo on the db bench and the ring row.

To make the ring row harder you can decrease the angle of the body, elevate the feet, and finally add weight if necessary.



Min 1: 20 alternating arm dumbbell snatches
Min 2: 12-15 box jumps – step down
Min 3: AMRAP Muscle Ups
Min 4: Rest


Today’s workout is a 12 minute EMOM. Minute one is 20 alternating arm dumbbell snatches. Minute two is 12-15 box jumps. Minute 3 is an AMRAP of muscle ups. Minute four is rest. Your score is the amount of muscle ups complete across the workout.

Use a dumbbell that allows you to go unbroken on the snatches.

Choose a safe height for the box that allows you to move quickly through the 12-15 reps.

If you cannot perform muscle ups then you may substitute chest to bar pull ups, chin over bar pull ups, or jumping chest to bar pull ups.