May 13, 2024
Strength & Mobility
3 rounds
behind the neck strict press x 4-6 w/ :02 pause overhead each rep
strict chin up x 6-8 @ 31×1
incline pigeon stretch :30/side
toes to bar
x2 rounds, rest=work
15 minute cap
Today’s workout is a couplet of toes to bar and burpees. You will perform 15 reps of each movement, then 12 reps of each movement, then 9 reps of each movement. You will then rest for the same amount of time it took to complete this work before doing a second round through the whole thing. Your score is the total time it takes to complete both rounds, including the rest.
The toes to bar should be completed in no more than 3 sets per round. This means you should be able to get at least 5 reps at a time for multiple sets with short breaks. You may substitute straight leg raises, knee raises, v-ups, or sit ups.
You should be able to complete burpees at a pace of atleast 15 per minute. If you are significantly slower than that, consider slightly reducing the amount of burpee reps.
May 12, 2024
Strength and Mobility
Frankenstein front squat 3-4 sets of 3-5 reps @ 31×1 tempo
3 wall bridge rotations per side between sets
4 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest
♀ 85-lb (38 kg) barbell, 35-lb (15 kg)
dumbbells, 20-inch box
♂ 135-lb (61 kg) barbell, 50-lb (22.5 kg)
dumbbells, 20-inch box
Today’s workout is Quarterfinals workout 24.1. You will spend 1 doing snatches, 1 minute rowing for calories, 1 minute doing dumbbell box steps ups, and 1 minute resting. You will go through these for four total rounds, with your score being the total number of reps completed across the entire workout. Write your scores down during the rest minutes so you can keep track.
If you cannot perform the Rx snatch weight for relatively quick singles, pick a moderate weight that you can repeat quick singles on. Do not do touch-and-go reps.
Row at a fast but repeatable pace that will prevent you from redlining
Try to go unbroken for the entire minute on the steps ups. If you cannot do this with the Rx weight, choose a moderate weight set of dumbbells that allows you to, though it should not necessarily feel “easy” (especially on the grip). If you need to set your dumbbells down, set them on the ground, not the box.
May 10, 2024
Teams of 3
400m burden run
8 sandbag clean relay
16 wall ball relay
100-120 calories*
400m burden run
90 pushups
120 jump squats
6:00 sandbag hold*
400m burden run
25 minute cap
Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3. You will start with a 400m burden run, followed by an 8 sandbag clean relay, a 16 wall ball relay, and 100-120 calories to be performed simultaneously. After completing all of this you will do another 400m run, followed by 90 push ups and 120 jump squats, with a simultaneous 6:00 sandbag hold. The workout finishes with a final 400m burden run. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work, or the amount of work you completed before the 25 minute time cap.
A burden run means your team will run together, sharing the burden of a sea bag carry throughout the run. You may switch which partner is carrying the sea bag as necessary. Don’t let 400m take more than 2:45. Reduce the distance if necessary.
A relay means one partner will complete all of the prescribed reps for a given movement before the next partner starts. So Partner 1 will do 8 sandbag cleans in a row, then partner 2 will do 8 sandbag cleans in a row, and finally partner 3 will do 8 sandbag cleans in a row. Then partner 1 will do 16 wall balls in a row, followed by partner 2, and then partner 3. While all of this is happening, teammates will rotate on and off of a single machine, working towards 100-120 calories.
The sandbag weight should be moderate-heavy. Go unbroken on the wall balls. Don’t take much more than 6:00 on the calories.
The pushups and jump squats will be OPWAAT. Switch partners as necessary. Choose a pushup variation that allows you to get 6-10 reps at a time before switching partners. Jump squats can be done in sets of 15-20. One person must be holding a sandbag for 6 consecutive minutes while the pushups and squats are completed. Switch partners as necessary.
May 9, 2024
Strength & Mobility
3-4 rounds
archer ring rows x 4-6/side @ 21×1
planche lean at wall :15-:30
seated pike ups x 10-12
wall walks
burpees to a target
db push press
11 minute cap
Today’s workout is 5-4-3-2 wall walks, with 10 burpees to a target and 10 dumbbell push presses each round. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the reps.
You should be able to get 4-5 wall walks per minute. If you are significantly slower than that then you can reduce the range of motion or the amount of reps.
Choose a burpee target that is out of your reach when standing with arms extended overhead. You should be able to complete the 10 reps in about :40-:50.
Choose a moderate weight set of dumbbells that allows you to complete your sets of 10 unbroken each round.
May 8, 2024
Strength & Mobility
3-4 sets
deadlift x 3-5 @ 21×1
German hang pike pull x 2-4
4 rounds
In 2 minutes:
12-15 calories
5 power cleans
AMRAP front squats
rest 2 minutes
Today’s workout is four 2-minute rounds of work, with 2 minutes of rest in between rounds. Each round will start with 12-15 calories, followed by 5 power cleans and then as many front squats as you can in the remaining time. Your score is the amount of front squats completed in your worst round.
Your calories shouldn’t take much longer than about :45. Reduce the amount if you are significantly slower than that.
The power cleans should be a moderate weight that allows you to get the 5 reps completed in either quick singles or touch-and-go. You should be able to get sets of at least 10 front squats at a time before dropping the bar.