Friday 2024.03.01

Open Workout 24.1

21 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
21 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
21 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
15 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
15 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 1
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell
9 dumbbell snatches, arm 2
9 lateral burpees over dumbbell

Time cap: 15 minutes

♀ 35-lb dumbbell
♂ 50-lb dumbbell


Read more here.

Thursday 2024.02.29


With a Partner

AMRAP 8. Alternating Full Rounds:
10 burpees
12-15 cal row

Rest :90

AMRAP 8. Alternating Full Rounds:
15 goblet squats
12-15 cal bike

Rest :90

AMRAP 8. Alternating Full Rounds:
10-15 push ups
10-12 cal assault/echo/ski


In today’s workout you and partner will perform three 8-minute AMRAPs. You will rest :90 between each AMRAP. You will do burpees + rowing, goblet squats + bike erg, and push ups + echo bike/assault bike/ski erg. You will alternate full rounds with your partner until the 8 minutes is up. Your score is the total amount of rounds and reps completed by your team across the entire workout.

Your burpees shouldn’t take longer than :40. Decrease the amount if necessary.

Pick a weight for the squats and a variation for the push ups that allows you to finish each movement in 1-2 quick sets per round.

Your calories shouldn’t take longer than about :45 each round. Decrease the amount if necessary.

Wednesday 2024.02.28


Build to a heavy set of 1+2

then do 2-3 sets of 3-4 heavy clean pulls


You should not be missing any reps on the clean complex.

For the clean pulls, find a weight that is challenging but doesn’t result in any technical or postural breakdown. Use the same weight for all of your sets and aim for 4 reps on each set. If you were here last week aim to use slightly more weight.

Spend about 10-12 minutes on the cleans, and about 5 minutes on the pulls. If you have more than 5-6 minutes remaining and have finished your heavy clean complex, you may hit an extra single of two on the clean at slightly less weight.



min 1&2: 25-30 calories
min 3: AMRAP squat clean thrusters in :45
min 4: rest


Today’s workout is a 12 minute EMOM of calories and squat clean thrusters. You will spend the first 2 minutes accumulated 25-30 calories. You will then spend the first :45 of minute 3 performing as many squat clean thrusters and you can. You will rest for the final :15 of minute 3, as well as all of minute 4. You will perform this a total of 3 times. Your score is the amount of squat clean thrusters performed in your worst round.

If you cannot complete at least 25 calories in 2 minutes, reduce the target amount.

Pick a moderate weight on the squat clean thrusters that allows you to perform :45 of relatively quick singles. If you are going touch and go it is too light. You should never be in danger of missing any reps.

Tuesday 2024.02.27


3-4 sets:

Ring Dip x 5-7 @ 31×1
Pendlay Row x 6-8 @ 11×0
Jefferson Curl x 2-3 with :05 descent and :05 hold in the bottom


For the ring dip you may spot yourself with a foot on the floor or on a box. You can also substitute dips to stable surface or pushups done at the same tempo. Aim for 7 reps on each set. If you got sets of 7 across last week then you may either decrease assistance or add weight this week.

The tempo for the Pendlay row just means you will pause for :01 on the ground each rep to avoid any bouncing. You will not pause at the chest. If mobility limitations prevent a neutral spine in the bottom, you may elevate the bar by pulling from a set of plates rather than from the ground.

For the Jefferson curl, stand on an elevated surface with light-moderate weight that is enough to assist in the stretch but not necessarily heavy. Focus on control and range of motion rather than simply adding weight. Though as you become more comfortable with the movement you may use gradually heavier weights.


Every :90 x 9 rounds

1: 14-18 calories
2: 1 round dumbbell DT
3: 15-20 v-ups


Today’s workout is 9 rounds of 3 different movements: calories on a machine, dumbbell DT, and v-ups. You will start a new round every :90 and will complete each movement a total of 3 times through. You can make note of your dumbbell weight as well as the amount of reps you completed on the calories and v-ups.

Your calories shouldn’t take more than 1 minute, leaving you at least :30 of rest on each round of calories.

1 round of dumbbell DT consists of 12 double dumbbell deadlifts, 9 dumbbell power cleans, and 6 dumbbell shoulder to overhead. Choose a set of dumbbells that allows you to complete this unbroken each time.

The v-ups should be done in no more than 2-3 quick sets each round. Choose an appropriate variation to accomplish this. You can scale to single leg v-ups, tuck ups, single leg tuck ups, or sit ups.

Monday 2024.02.26


3-4 sets of 3 at RPE 8-9

Shoulder Extension Scap Pull Up x 5 @ 2222 tempo between working sets


Use a box height that puts you right at parallel (hip crease even with top of knee). Do not build to a weight that you think you may fail, as it is much harder to bail out of a failed box squat than out of a free squat. Be sure to sit back onto the box with control and avoid crashing to the box. Sit your weight onto the box for a split second, then move explosively as you stand up off of the box.

RPE 8-9 means you should feel like you have an extra rep or 2 in the tank. Do not work to failure on the box squat.

For the [shoulder extension scap pull ups ]( the tempo means that you should fully relax in the bottom for 2 seconds, fully protract for 2 seconds, and move smoothly with control as you transition between positions.


4 rounds for time

18-22 calories
16 barbell front rack reverse lunges
10 burpees

13 minute cap


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of calories, barbell front rack reverse lunges, and burpees. Your score is the time it takes to complete the 4 rounds, or the amount of work you completed if you do not finish before the 13 minute time cap.

Your calories should not take more than 1:20 per round. Reduce the amount if necessary.

Choose a weight for the lunges that allows you to complete each round unbroken. 16 reps means 8 reps per side.

The burpees shouldnt take more than :40. Reduce the amount if necessary.