Thursday 2023.01.26


At 0:00, complete 27-21-15 reps for time:

  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Push Ups

At 10:00 complete 20-16-12 reps for time:

  • Dumbbell Snatch
  • 75 Double Unders

At 20:00 complete 9-7-5 reps for time:

  • Sand Bag to Shoulder
  • Burpee Box Jump Overs


Today’s workout is 3 couplets. You will begin a new couplet every 10-minutes. Your score is the total time from all 3 couplets.

The kettlebell swings should be done with a light weight that allows you to complete all sets unbroken.

The push ups should take no more than 4 sets for the 27, 3 sets for the 21, and 2 sets for the 15. Elevate your hands if needed.

The dumbbell snatch should be done with a moderate weight that allows you to complete each round in no more than 2 sets.

The double unders should take no longer than 1-minute each round. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.

The sandbag should be a moderate weight. Don’t spend more than 1-minute on the set of 9.

The burpee box jump overs should take no more than 1-minute for the set of 9 and about :12 faster each subsequent round.

Wednesday 2023.01.25


5 Sets

  • 1 Slow Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch w/ :02 pause at position 2


Today’s strength is the snatch. You will complete 5 working sets at the same weight of 1 slow snatch pull and 1 snatch with a pause at position 2 on the way up. If you successfully complete all 5 sets at your weight, next week you will add a little weight.

The slow snatch pull is an opportunity to refine your bar path. Focus on staying balanced and keep the bar traveling vertically.

The snatch will be completed with a pause at position 2 on the way up. During this pause your weight should be centered around the mid-foot and your shoulders should be over the bar in order to keep tension in the posterior chain. The snatch will be completed with a full squat.


For time

  • 35 Toes to Bar
  • 20 Burpees over Bar
  • 25 Pull Ups
  • 20 Burpees over Bar
  • 15 Power Cleans
  • 20 Burpees over Bar

12:00 time cap


Today’s workout is a chipper of toes to bar, pull ups, power cleans, and burpees after each movement. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed reps or the number of reps completed under the 12-minute time cap.

The toes to bar should be done in no more than 7 sets of 5. Adjust the number of reps or substitute knee raises or sit ups.

The pull ups should not take more than 5 sets of 5. Adjust the number of reps or substitute banded pull ups, jumping pull ups, or ring rows.

The barbell should be a light-moderate weight. Very quick singles or small touch and go sets would be a good strategy.

The burpees should never take longer than 2-minutes each set. Adjust the number of reps if needed.

Tuesday 2023.01.24


Bench Press @ 21X1

  • x 2-4 x 5 sets


Today’s strength is bench press. You will complete 5 working sets of 2-4 reps. Every rep will be performed with a :02 negative, :01 pause on the chest, and :01 pause between reps. You will use the same weight for all working sets. The goal is to complete 4 reps at the prescribed tempo for all 5 working sets. If you accomplish that, the following week you will use a slightly heavier weight. Here is an example of how this could look in practice:

Week 1: 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×3, 100×3
Week 2: 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×3
Week 3: 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×4
Week 4: 105×4, 105×4, 105×4, 105×3, 105×3


Complete as many reps as possible in 7:00:

  • 3 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 3 Box Jump Overs (step down)
  • 6 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 6 Box Jump Overs
  • 9/9, 12/12, 15/15….


Today’s workout is 7-minutes of shoulder to overhead and box jump overs. You will begin by completing 3 reps of each. Each subsequent round you will add 3 reps. Your score is the number of reps completed in 7-minutes.

The weight on the barbell should be light-moderate. You should be able to complete at least the round of 9 unbroken.

The box jump overs are completed with a step down each rep. Choose a height that allows you to maintain a pace of at least 10 reps per minute.

Monday 2023.01.23


Back Squat @ 21X2

  • x 2-4 x 5 sets


Today’s strength is back squats. You will complete 5 working sets of 2-4 reps. Every rep will be performed with a :02 negative, :01 pause in the bottom, and :02 pause between reps. You will use the same weight for all working sets. The goal is to complete 4 reps at the prescribed tempo for all 5 working sets. If you accomplish that, the following week you will use a slightly heavier weight. Here is an example of how this could look in practice:

Week 1: 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×3, 100×3
Week 2: 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×3
Week 3: 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×4, 100×4
Week 4: 105×4, 105×4, 105×4, 105×3, 105×3


For time:

  • 800-1000m Row or 1600-2000m Bike
  • 30 Clean and Jerks

10-minute time cap


Today’s workout is a simple couplet of rowing or biking and clean and jerks. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed reps or the number of reps completed under the 10-minute time cap.

The row or bike should take no longer than 4-minutes. Adjust the target distance accordingly.

The barbell should be light. Very quick singles or small touch and go sets would be a good strategy.

Saturday 2023.01.21


Working in teams of 3, complete 4 rounds for time:

  • 400-500m Row or 800-1000m Bike on two machines
  • 5 Squat Clean Relay
  • 15 Synchro Burpees

30:00 time cap


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of rowing or biking, squat cleans, and burpees. Your team will accumulate the prescribed distances on two machines before moving on to the squat clean relay. Partner 1 will complete 5 reps, then partner 2 will complete 5 reps, then partner 3 will complete 5 reps. The team will then complete 15 synchronized burpees. Your score is the time to complete 4 rounds of the above or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 28:00 time cap.

The row or bike should take no longer than 2-minutes. Adjust the target distance accordingly.

The squat cleans should be heavy. Aim to complete the 5 reps in :40 or less per athlete.

The burpees should take no longer than 1:30. Adjust the number of reps, if needed.