Thursday 2020.06.25


Every minute on the minute for 8:00:

  • :30 Heavy Front Rack Hold


Today’s strength is front rack holds. This can be done with two kettlebells, a barbell, or an odd object. Check out this video on different variations of a front rack hold.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 14:00:

  • 14 Kettlebell Swings
  • 14/11 Calories


Today’s workout is a simple couplet of kettlebell swings and calories. Your score is how many rounds and reps you have completed in 14 minutes.

The kettlebell swings should be done at a weight that allows you to complete all 14 reps unbroken for a majority of the workout. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The calories should take no longer than 1:00 each round. If you do not have a machine, run 200m as a substitute.

Track Workout

6 sets:

  • 400m at mile pace + :09 / 400m,
  • 200m easy jog,
  • 200m at mile pace + :05 / 400m,
  • 200m easy jog

Rest 2:00

Wednesday 2020.06.24


3 Sets

Complete as many rounds as possible in 6:00:

  • 10* Weighted Lunge Steps
  • 10* Toes to Bar or Sit Ups
  • 50 Double Unders

Rest 2:00 between sets.

*Add 2 reps every round


Today’s workout is 3 sets of 6 minutes of work with 2:00 rest between each. Your scores are the total number of reps completed each set. Round 1 begins with 10 lunges, 10 toes to bar, and 50 double unders. But when you get back to the lunges, you will do 12 reps and follow with 12 toes to bar, then 50 double unders. Continue adding 2 reps to the lunges and toes to bar each round. You will reset back to 10 each set.

The lunges can be weighted with one or two dumbbells or kettlebells, or a light barbell. You should be able to the lunges unbroken at least through the round of 16. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The toes to bar should be completed in no more than 2 sets through the round of 16. You may switch to knee raises or perform sit ups if you do not have a pull up bar.

The double unders should take no longer than :30 each set. Ideally, you remain unbroken throughout the workout. You may adjust the number of reps or switch to single unders.


2 Rounds not for time


  • 7 from bottom to half way up
  • 7 from half way up to top
  • 7 full curls


We are finishing off the day with a 21 Gun Salute. Check out this video of how to do it.

You can perform these curls with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, plates, or with any household object you can find. If you don’t have something light enough to get through all 21 reps, lower it to 5 reps each.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike

5:00 Easy Warm Up

12:00 Moderate
3:00 Easy
3:00 Fast
3:00 Easy
12:00 Moderate

5:00 Cool down


Pacing Guidelines

Bike Erg Rower Assault Bike
Easy: 65-75 RPM
Moderate: 75-85 RPM
Fast: 90+ RPM
Easy: 2k +:25
Moderate: 2k + :10-15
Fast: 2k
Easy: 45-55 RPM
Moderate: 60-75 RPM
Fast: 65+ RPM

Tuesday 2020.06.23


3 Rounds

  • 8 Kick Stand Romanian Deadlifts per leg
  • 10 Cossack Squats (5/leg)
  • :45 Weighted Plank


Today’s strength is 3 rounds of kickstand romanian deadlifts, cossack squats, and weighted planks. You may rest as needed between exercises. We recommend taking :30-1:00.

The kickstand Romanian deadlifts may be done with dumbbells, kettlebells, or a light barbell. Keep your back flat and feel a stretch in the hamstring of your front leg throughout the movement.

The cossack squats may be done with weight if you can reach full depth without weight. If you struggle to sit low enough in the squat, hold on to something for balance as you push your hips down and back into a deep squat.

The weighted planks should be done on your elbows with a weight plate on your lower back. Focus on keeping your belly and butt tight throughout the hold. Here is a video on how to load a weighted plank by yourself.


For time, 35-25-15 reps of:

  • Wall Balls
  • Dumbbell Snatch
  • Calories (35/30, 25/20, 15/10)

15:00 time cap.


Today’s workout is for time and there is a 15:00 time cap. Your score is how long it takes to complete all 75 reps of each movement or how many reps you have completed at the time cap.

The wall should be done in 1 or 2 sets throughout the workout. Adjust the weight accordingly. If you do not have a wall ball, you can substitute light thrusters or jump squats.

The dumbbell snatch should also be done in 1 or 2 sets throughout the workout. Adjust the weight accordingly.

During the calories, men will do 35 and women will do 30 on the first round, then 25 for men and 20 for women on the second round, and finally 15 for men and 10 for women on the last round. The calories should take no longer than 2:30 for the set of 35/30. If you think the calories will take up too much time, adjust the number down.

Track Workout

  • 10min at easy pace,
  • 8min at mile pace + :30 / 400m,
  • 6min at mile pace + :18 / 400m,
  • 2min walk,
  • 4min at mile pace + :14 / 400m

No additional rest

Monday 2020.06.22


8 Rounds

In 2:15:

  • 300m Run
  • Max Alternating Single Arm Devil Press

Rest :45


Today’s conditioning is 8 rounds of 2:15 of work with :45 rest between rounds. Your score is how many strict pull ups you complete each round.

The run should take no longer than 1:45 to complete. Adjust the distance as needed.

The alternating single arm devil press should be done at a weight that allows you to work continuously for at least :30. Adjust the weight accordingly.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike

5:00 Easy Warm Up

5:00 Moderate
10 x (:30 fast, :30 easy)
5:00 Moderate
10 x (:30 fast, :30 easy)
5:00 Moderate

5:00 Cool down


Pacing Guidelines

Bike Erg Rower Assault Bike
Easy: 65-75 RPM
Moderate: 75-85 RPM
Fast: 90+ RPM
Easy: 2k +:25
Moderate: 2k + :10-15
Fast: 2k
Easy: 45-55 RPM
Moderate: 60-75 RPM
Fast: 65+ RPM

Saturday 2020.06.20


Every 5:00 for 7 rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 10 Overhead squats
  • 10 Burpees over the barbell


Today’s conditioning is 7 intervals, one completed at the top of every 5:00. We are looking for you to have at least 1:00 of rest between rounds. Your score is the time it takes to complete each interval. Try to stay consistent across all 7 rounds.

The run should be done in around 2:00. Adjust the distance accordingly. If you are using a machine, find a distance that you can manage for the same time domain.

The overhead squats should be light and unbroken. You may use a light barbell, one dumbbell, or one kettlebell. Check out this video on how to do a single arm overhead squat.

The burpees should take no longer than :45 to complete. Adjust the number of reps if needed.