Wednesday 2020.07.01


5 Rounds

In 4:00:

  • 300m Run buy in

then complete as many rounds as possible:

  • 5 Clean and Jerks
  • 10 Box Jump step down (or 6/4ft broad jump)

Rest 1:00


Today’s conditioning is 5 rounds of 4-minutes of work with 1-minute of rest. In 4:00, you will run 300m. If that takes 1:30, you have 2:30 to complete as many rounds of 5 clean and jerks and 10 box jumps as possible. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed each round.

The run should take no longer than 1:45 each round. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The clean and jerks should be a light-moderate weight that allows you to complete the sets of 5 quickly. You may use a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, or an odd object.

The box jumps should be done to a height that allows you to complete the reps quickly and without hesitation. If you do not have a box, perform broad jumps instead.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike

5:00 easy warm up

5 Sets
:30 Fast
2:00 Easy
1:00 Fast
2:00 Easy

5:00 Cool down


Pacing Guidelines

Bike Erg Rower Assault Bike
Easy: 65-75 RPM
Fast: 90+ RPM
Easy: 2k +:25
Fast: 2k
Easy: 45-55 RPM
Fast: 65+ RPM

Tuesday 2020.06.30


Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • 3 Power Cleans from position 2

Same weight across sets.

If you do not have a barbell perform:

  • 10 Kettlebell Swings


Today’s strength is power cleans. At the top of each minute, you will perform 3 power cleans from position 2 (above the knee). Before the clock starts, you will warm up to a challenging, but doable weight for all 30 reps and use that weight for all 10 minutes.

If you do not have a barbell, grab a heavy kettlebell and perform 10 swings at the top of every minute.


For time

  • 50/40 Calories
  • 5 Wall Walks
  • 20 Toes to Bar or sit Ups
  • 50 Kettlebell Swings
  • 20 Toes to Bar or Sit Ups
  • 5 Wall Walks
  • 50/40 Calories

18:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is for time. Your score will be your time to complete all the reps or the number of reps you finish in the 18:00 time cap.

The calories should take no longer than 4:00 to complete each set. Adjust the number of calories as needed. If you do not have access to a machine, substitute a 600m run.

The wall walks should be completed in 2:00 or less each set. Adjust the number of reps or the height to which you walk up the wall.

The toes to bar should take no more than 3 sets to complete each time. Adjust the number of reps or perform knee raises. If you do not have access to a pull up bar, perform sit ups.

The kettlebell swings should take no more than 3 sets to complete. It should not be a heavy weight. Adjust the weight accordingly.

Track Workout

3x (600m at mile pace + :09, rest 1:30)

Rest 5:00

3x (200m at mile pace, rest 1:30)

Rest 5:00

3x (500m at mile pace + :05, rest 1:30)

Rest 5:00

3x (200m at mile pace – :15, rest 1:30)

Monday 2020.06.29


3 Rounds

Complete as many rounds as possible in 7:00

  • 10 Dumbbell Snatches
  • 10 Burpees over the Dumbbell
  • 10m Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge

Rest 3:00


Today’s conditioning is 3 rounds of 7-minutes of work with 3-minutes rest between rounds. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed each round.

The dumbbell snatches should be light and unbroken each round. If you are using a kettlebell, switch hands after 5 reps.

The burpees should take no longer than 1:00 to complete. Adjust the number accordingly.

The lunges should also be unbroken each round. If you do not have room to walk 10m, perform 10 steps in place. Focus on a strong overhead position. You may switch arms as needed.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike

5:00 easy warm up

6 sets
3:00 moderate
3:00 easy

5:00 Cool down


Pacing Guidelines

Bike Erg Rower Assault Bike
Easy: 65-75 RPM
Moderate: 75-85 RPM
Easy: 2k +:25
Moderate: 2k + :10
Easy: 45-55 RPM
Moderate: 60-75 RPM

Saturday 2020.06.27


5 Rounds

In 4:00

  • 35/25 Calories
  • 75 Double Unders
  • Max Squat Cleans

Rest 2:00


Today’s conditioning is five rounds of 4-minutes of work with 2-minutes rest between rounds. Your score each round will be the number of cleans completed after the calorie and double under buy in.

The calories should take no longer than 2:30 to complete. Adjust the number of calories accordingly. If you do not have a machine, complete a 400m run instead.

The double unders should take no longer than 1:00 to complete. That allows you time for one trip. Adjust the number as needed or switch to single unders.

The cleans may be done with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, or an odd object. Choose a moderate weight. With a barbell, you might perform quick singles. With dumbbells or kettlebells, you might break once or twice in the remaining time.

Friday 2020.06.26


4 Rounds

  • :20 of Push Ups
  • :10 Rest
  • :20 of Strict Pull Ups
  • :10 Rest


Today’s strength is push ups and pull ups. The goal is to move continuously during the :20 of work for each round.

There is no tempo restriction on the push ups, however do not move so fast that you limit the range of motion. If you do not think you can move consistently for :20, elevate your hands on a bench or a box.

The pull ups are meant to be strict. Try not to come off the pull up bar more than once or twice during the :20 of work. You may substitute ring rows or, if you do not have a pull up bar, heavy rows.


2 Rounds for time:

  • 48 Double Unders
  • 16 Thrusters
  • 8 Burpee Pull Ups

Rest 5:00

For time:

  • 96 Double Unders
  • 32 Thrusters
  • 16 Burpee Pull Ups


Today’s workout is two parts. Your scores will be the time to complete each portion. The total number of reps is the same in each part. See if you can get the same score.

The double unders should take no longer than :45 for the sets of 48 and 1:30 for the set of 96. This allows you time for one or two quick breaks each set. You can adjust the number of reps or switch to single unders.

The thrusters should be at a light weight that allows you to complete the sets of 16 unbroken. You may use a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells.

The burpee pull ups should be done to a pull up bar that is 6″ above your reach. Use the momentum from the jump to help you with the pull up. You may adjust this by finding a lower pull up bar. If you do not have access to a pull up bar, you can substitute single arm devil press.