Oct 25, 2016
Every minute, on the minute, for 10:00:
- Kipping Ring Dip x 5-7
- Ring Kip x 2-3 + Ring Kip + Pull x 2-3
- Strict Dips on Boxes x 5-7
- Ring Kip x 5-7
Every minute, on the minute, for 10:00:
- Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups x 5 @ 30X1
- Pull to Push Muscle Up Drill x 2-4
- Strict Handstand Push Ups from box x 5 @ 30X1
- Partner or Feet Assisted Pull to Push Muscle Up Drill x 2-4
Complete as many rounds as possible in 8:00 of:
- 3 Wall Walks
- 6 Toes to Bar
- 12 Inchworm side walk steps per side
You will rest the same amount of time it takes to complete a round then begin at the top for the duration of the workout.
Optional Independent Work
3 Sets:
- 10 Band U
- 25 Band Tricep Push Down
- 10 Band Y
Oct 24, 2016
Performance: Deadlift from a 4″ deficit
Fitness: Deadlift (no deficit)
- 4-6 sets of 1-3 reps @ 42X1
3 Sets:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 4:00 of:
- 5 Deadlifts @ 50% of 1 rep max
- 5 Box Jumps (24/20)
- 5 Burpees over the Bar
2:00 Active rest between sets
Optional Independent Work
5 Sets:
- Pause Power Snatch + Power Snatch @ >75%
*Pause 1s at knee on the way up
3 Sets:
- 25m Farmer’s Walk
- 8 Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts per leg
Oct 23, 2016
Performance: Clean + Jerk
Fitness: Hang Clean + Jerk
- Take 4-6 sets to build until technique degrades. If time allows, drop 10% and perform a few more singles.
Every minute, on the minute, for 20:00:
- Touch and Go Squat Clean x 6 @ 65-75% of today’s heaviest lift
- Kipping Handstand Push Up x 4-8
- Hang Squat Clean x 6 @ 65-75% of today’s heaviest lift
- Strict Handstand Push Ups off box x 4-8
Optional Independent Work
3 Sets:
- 1 1/4 Front Squat x 4
- Muscle Up x 5-15
- Push Jerk x 10
Oct 21, 2016
0845 Weightlifting
1000 CrossFit
Solidarity Team Series Events 5, 6, and 7! All are welcome to workout!
Event 5
For Time:
4x400m Relay
- 400m begins at standard solidarity start line in parking lot.
- Each athlete must tag the next athlete who is waiting at start line.
- All runs must be standard solidarity 400m course.
Event 6
For total weight:
4 x 1 minute, as many reps as possible (AMRAP) of Squat Cleans
- Clock is programmed for 4 rounds of 1:00 work / :30 transition/loading between minutes. Each of four teammates gets 1:00 to complete as many squat cleans as possible.
- Each rep begins with the bar on the ground. Bar is then cleaned and must go through a full squat (crease of hip below knee) and then stood all the way up with bar above collar bone and knees, and hips fully extended. Reps can be touch and go but NO BOUNCING. Power/muscle clean + front squat is allowed.
- Each athlete chooses their weight in minimum increments of 5# (no dingles). Womens bars will count as 35#, male bars as 45#.
- Bar begins with first athlete’s weight pre-loaded. All other loading must happen in :30 transition. If bar is not ready the athlete loses that time, the clock does not stop and no time will be added.
- Each team may have two bars ( one 35, one 45), but only only the first bar used can begin loaded.
- All athletes must declare weight before workout begins to judge who records all loads prior to start and confirms load after each transition.
- Score is total weight lifted between all four athletes, highest total wins.
Event 7
12:00 AMRAP:
Partner 1: 12 Burpee Pull Ups
8 Synchro Hi-Five Burpees (entire team)
Partner 2: 24 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
8 Synchro Hi-Five Burpees (entire team)
Parnter 3: 24 Kettlbell Snatch (44/26)
8 Synchro Hi-Five Burpees (entire team)
Partner 4: 8 Wall Walks
8 Synchro Hi-Five Burpees (entire team)
- Each athlete is assigned a movement. Everyone does the synchro burpees, but each athlete only does their movement the whole workout.
- Burpee Pull Ups: Pull Up Bar must be at least 6″ above the reach of the athlete. Chest touches the ground on the burpee and chin finishes above the bar on the pull up
- Box Jump Over: Athlete starts on one side of the box and must touch both feet on the top of the box and finish on the other side. You do not need to reach full extension on top of the box
- Wall Walk: Starts with athletes chest on the ground in push up position and finishes in a fully extended handstand with the athletes nose against the wall. You must show control on the descent. Falling off wall is a no-rep.
- Kettlebell Snatch: The athlete must reach full extension of the arm, shoulder, hips and knees at the top of the snatch (bicep next to the ear)
- Synchro Burpees: Athletes must touch their chests to the ground at the same time and jump and high five each other in a circle. All athlates must be in the air when the high-five occurs.
- Scoring: Most repetitions wins
Oct 20, 2016
We’re heading into the last week of the Solidarity Team Series!
Stay up to date with all the events and keep track of the leaderboard here.
Performance: Power Snatch
- 5 x 1 @ >90% of your power snatch
Fitness: Hang Power Snatch
- Take 4-6 sets to build until your technique degrades
Every minute, on the minute, for 20:00:
- Power Snatch x 6 @ 60-70% of today’s heaviest lift
- Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 4-8
Optional Independent Work
3 Sets:
- Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts x 8
- Handstand Walk x max distance
- Barbell Curl x 12 @ 30X0