*Scheduling Note*

Monday 12/26: 

  • 0800 Open Gym
  • 0930 CrossFit

Tuesday 12/27 – Friday 12/30:

  • 0615 CrossFit
  • 0715 Open Gym
  • 0900 CrossFit
  • 1000 Open Gym
  • 1130 CrossFit
  • 1430 Open Gym
  • 1700 CrossFit

*Barbell will be cancelled this week

All other days will be scheduled normally.


Clean Pull + Power Clean

  • x 5+1 x 4 sets


Today’s strength is a clean complex. You will complete 5 clean pulls and 1 power clean for 4 working sets. You will use the same weight for every working set and the goal is to successfully complete the lifts (the power clean will be the hard part) for all working sets. If you accomplish that, the following week you will use a slightly heavier weight. Here is an example of how this could look in practice:

Week 1: 100×8, 100×8, 100×7, 100×7
Week 2: 100×8, 100×8, 100×8, 100×7
Week 3: 100×8, 100×8, 100×8, 100×8
Week 4: 105×8, 105×8, 105×7, 105×7

Focus on driving vertically for all 5 clean pulls. Keep the bar close to the body throughout the pull. Then focus on your foot work during the power clean. A star-fish power clean will not count as a successful rep and you will want to use the same weight the following week.


Every 2:00 for 5 rounds:

  • 12 Dumbbell Farmer Carry Reverse Lunge Steps
  • 3 Squat Cleans


Today’s workout is a couplet of lunges and cleans. You will complete a new round at the top of every 2-minutes. Your score is the total load successfully lifted across all 5 rounds. You may change your weight between rounds.

The lunges should be done with a moderate weight. Be sure to maintain a soft touch of the knee on the ground each step and complete the 12 reps without putting the dumbbells down.

The squat cleans should be heavy. Challenge yourself with the weight but note that if you miss a lift, your score for that round is 0.