
3 Sets not for time

  • 4-5 Dips @ 11X1
  • 10 Band Face Pull
  • 5 steps per direction Lateral Handstand Walk


Today’s strength is 4 exercises that you will rotate through for 3 sets. Take your time moving through each of these exercises.

For the dips, each rep will be performed with a :01 negative, :01 pause in the bottom and :01 pause between reps. If you cannot maintain the prescribed tempo for all 5 reps, add assistance with a band, or substitute feet-assisted on a box or push ups. Once you hit all 3 sets of 5 reps with perfect tempo, you may add weight or reduce resistance the following week.

Band face pull. Squeeze your shoulder blades together at the back and hold for :01 each rep.

Lateral Handstand Walk. Move slowly through each step. Focus on active shoulders and shifting your weight back and forth through the shoulders. If you cannot yet show control in a handstand, substitute a handstand walk around a box or shoulder shifts.


For time:

  • 8-7-6-5 Wall Walks
  • 16-14-12-10 Double Dumbbell Box Step Overs

12:00 time cap


Today’s workout is a simple couplet of wall walks and step overs. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed reps or the number of reps completed under the 12-minute time cap.

If you cannot maintain a pace of at least 5 reps per minute on the wall walks, consider lowering the rep scheme.

The dumbbells will be held in a farmer’s carry for the step overs. Use a moderate weight that allows you to complete the step overs in no more than 2 sets each round.