
Tempo Snatch

  • Take 12-15 minutes to build to an RPE 8-9 and complete 4 sets of 1 rep at that weight.


Today’s strength is tempo snatches. This means you restrict the tempo with which you pull from the ground to 1″ above the knee. Slow things down and take :05 to pull from the ground to 1″ above the knee, then drive normal speed through extension to complete the lift.

You will have 12-15 minutes to warm up at your own pace to a weight that feels like a 8-9/10 difficulty and then complete 4 sets of 1 rep at that weight. This should be slightly heavier than last week.


Every minute on the minute for 20:00:

  • Minute 1 – 12-15 Calories
  • Minute 2 – 15 Burpees
  • Minute 3 – 12-15 Calories
  • Minute 4 – 15 Wall Balls


Today’s workout is 5 rounds of calories, burpees, more calories, and wall balls. You will begin a new station at the top of every minute and complete 5 rounds.

The calories should take no longer than :45 to complete. Adjust the target number accordingly.

The burpees should take no longer than :45-50 to complete. Adjust the number of reps as needed.

The wall balls should always be done in 1 set. Choose a light-moderate weight ball so that you can maintain 5 unbroken sets of 15.