
Back Squat

  • Build to a set of 2 at RPE 9.
  • Drop 15% and do 2 sets of 2.


Today’s back squats begin with building up to a challenging set of 2 reps. Once you find that weight, you will take 15% off the bar and do 2 more sets of 2 reps.

The heavy set of 2 should feel like a 9/10 difficulty. This means you are leaving a little bit in the tank. No failed reps today, but it is still a good idea to ask for a spotter if you do not feel confident bailing.


2 Sets

21-15-9 reps of:
Goblet Squats
20m Forward Crawl

Rest 3:00 between sets

13:00 time cap between sets of 21-15-9


Today’s workout is two sets of a couplet. You will complete 21 goblet squats, a 20m forward crawl, 15 goblet squats, a 20m forward crawl, 9 goblet squats, and a 20m forward crawl, then rest 3-minutes before repeating it. Your score is the time to complete 2 sets including the 3-minute rest interval.

Use a moderate weight kettlebell for the goblet squats. The rep scheme is low, so think about challenging yourself with a weight that will burn the legs, but you can still hang on to complete the sets unbroken.

Maintain a contralateral movement pattern on the forward crawl. Try to keep your back flat and knees just off the ground.