
3 Sets

  • 8-12 Lateral Handstand Walk Steps per side
  • 8-12 Box Handstand Walk Steps per side
  • 8-12 Shoulder shifts in plank, pike, or handstand

Rest about 2:00 between sets


We are starting our handstand walking progression today. Don’t worry if you feel you are not yet ready to get inverted. We will have a progression that is suitable for all levels of comfort with a handstand.

We will be either working on walking laterally or simply getting comfortable supporting your body weight with a solid lockout on one arm. If you are walking, you can choose to either perform your walks against the wall or around a box. If you don’t feel comfortable bringing a hand off the ground, you can work on shoulder shifts in a plank, pike, or handstand. Focus on keeping your lower body tight, pushing tall through the support arm, and maintain a good lockout on the support arm.

Strength Part 2

3 Sets

  • 10m Reverse Walking Plank (seal drag)
  • 3-5 Straight Arm Arching Lean Back w/ :02 hold at top each rep

Rest as needed between exercises


Part 2 of our strength is a straight arm push and pull. You will alternate between the two exercises, resting as needed, and complete 3 total sets.

During the reverse plank walk, focus on keeping your shoulders protracted and arms straight. Keep your lower body really tight throughout.

If you struggle to pull back far enough during the straight arm arching lean back, keep your feet on a back and give yourself a spot. Check out this video for a demo.


10 Rounds for time:

  • 8 Push Press
  • 10 Burpees over the Bar

13:00 time cap


Our workout is a simple couplet of push press and burpees over the bar. Your score is the time to complete the 10 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 13-minute cap.

The push press should be light. Use a weight you can maintain unbroken sets of 8 and move quickly.

If you have room, perform the burpees as bar facing. If not, perform lateral burpees. If the 10 reps will take longer than about :50, consider lowering the number of reps each round.