
At 0:00, complete 5 rounds for time:

  • 5 Power Snatch
  • 12-15 Calories

At 15:00, complete for time:

  • 15 Power Snatch
  • 36-45 Calories

10:00 time cap on both workouts


Today’s conditioning is a couplet of power snatches and calories. You will complete 5 rounds of the couplet, then rest until the 15-minute mark and complete a chipper. Your score is the sum total time from both efforts.

The power snatches should be at a moderate weight. Quick singles throughout both workouts would be a good strategy.

The calories should be completed at a pace of at least 12-15 per minute. Reduce the number of calories if that does not seem like a sustainable pace for you.


3 Rounds not for time:

  • 10 Curls (your choice, barbell or dumbbell)
  • 10 Band Pull Aparts
  • :10 Single Arm Hang / side


We are finishing today with a few exercises that promote healthy shoulders.

The curls can be done any style and any grip. Just make sure you express a full range of motion each rep.

Keep your arms straight during the pull aparts. Adjust the band tension to allow you to maintain a lockout throughout the movement, retract your shoulder blades at the back, and protract them when your arms are in front.

Focus on staying still during the single arm hang and prevent yourself from rotating. You may adjust this by keeping one or both feet on the ground for assistance.