
4 Sets

  • 5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges per side*
  • 4 Box jumps

*Pause :01 with your knee 1″ from the ground, then softly tap the ground, then stand. Don’t alternate legs.


Today’s strength is lunges and box jumps. You will alternate between the two exercises for 4 working sets. Take about 1 minute of rest between exercises.

During the lunges you will pause :01 with your knee 1″ from the ground, then softly tap the ground, then stand. Don’t alternate legs. Choose a moderate weight that you can maintain a soft touch of the knee each rep and use that weight for all 4 working sets. If you were here last week, try using the same weight today that you used for last week’s sets of 4.

Focus on being as explosive as possible on the box jumps. You may increase the height as high as you can safely manage.


For time:


  • Front Squats
  • Burpees over the Bar

Rest 3:00


  • Front Squats
  • Calories


Today’s workout consists of two couplets with 3:00 rest between them. Your score will be the combined time for both rounds, but you should keep track of each time individually.

The front squats during the first couplet should be light-moderate. You should manage the 21s and 15s in no more than 2 sets and the 9s unbroken. During the 3:00 rest, add a little weight to your bar. The front squats during the second couplet should be moderate. You should manage the 15s and the 12s in no more than 2 sets. If you do not have more than one weight option, keep the reps at 21-15-9.

The burpees should take no more than 1:30 to complete the round of 21. If you think they will take up too much time, adjust the reps to 15-12-9.

The calories may be done on any machine. If you do not have a machine, substitute a 200m run.