
4 Sets

  • 4 Front Rack Reverse Lunges per side*
  • 10 Dumbbell Rows per arm


Today’s strength is lunges and rows. You will alternate between the two exercises for 4 working sets. Take about 1 minute of rest between exercises.

During the lunges you will pause :01 with your knee 1″ from the ground, then softly tap the ground, then stand. Don’t alternate legs. Choose a moderate weight that you can maintain a soft touch of the knee each rep and use that weight for all 4 working sets. If you were here last week, try using the same weight today that you used for last week’s sets of 3.

There is no tempo restriction on the rows. Choose a heavy weight that allows you to maintain a full range of motion for all 10 reps.


Every minute on the minute for as long as possible:

  • 20* Wall Balls

*Add one rep every minute until you can no longer perform that number of reps in the minute. Once you fail to hit the prescribed number of wall balls, take the next minute off. The following minute, begin working on the following:

Every minute on the minute for as long as possible:

  • 10* Burpees

*Add one rep every minute until you can no longer perform that number of reps in the minute. Once you fail to hit the prescribed number of burpees, the workout is over.

If you make it to the 20-minute mark, stop working and pat yourself on the back.


Today’s workout is a “death by…” wall balls and burpees. Your score will be the total number of wall balls and burpees completed combined. Simply add up all the reps you did.

At “3,2,1, go…” you will begin by completing 20 wall balls. You will then rest until the 1:00 mark and complete 21 wall balls. The next minute, you will complete 22 wall balls. Continue to add 1 rep every minute until you can no longer complete the prescribed number of reps in the minute window. When that happens, you will take the next 1-minute interval to rest. After the rest, you will begin working on 10 burpees and follow the same pattern as the wall balls. Add 1 rep every minute until you can no longer complete the prescribed number of reps in the minute window. If you make it to the 20th 1-minute interval, stop the workout.

The wall balls should be completed at a weight that allows you to finish at least 4 rounds. It should be light. Keep in mind you will have at most :20 to rest between rounds. If you do not have a wall ball, substitute light thrusters.

The first few rounds of burpees should not be difficult to finish. You may adjust the starting number so that you have about :20 to rest after your first set.