
Every 5:00 for 5 Rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 20 Alternating Hang Snatch
  • 10 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps


Today’s conditioning is 5 rounds of running, snatches, and lunges. You will start a new round every 5:00 and, ideally, will get at least 1:00 of rest between rounds. Your score will be your slowest round.

The run should take no longer than 2:00 to complete. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The hang snatches may be done with a dumbbell or kettlebell. You may also use a barbell, but it should be very light. The goal is to go unbroken for all 20 reps.

The overhead lunges should also be completed unbroken. Focus on maintaining a strong lockout to support the weight overhead. If you are using a dumbbell or kettlebell, you may switch arms as needed.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike

5:00 easy warm up

2 Sets:
3:00 Easy
1:30 Fast
2:00 Easy
1:15 Fast
1:30 Easy
:45 Fast
1:00 Easy
:15 Fast
:30 Easy

4:00 Recovery between sets

5:00 Cool Down

Pacing Guidelines

Bike Erg Rower Assault Bike
Easy: 65-75 RPM
Fast: 85-95 RPM
Easy: 2k +:25
Fast: 2k + :05
Easy: 45-55 RPM
Fast: 65+ RPM