At Home Conditioning

Complete as many rounds as possible in 16:00:

  • 20 Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead, right arm
  • 20 Step ups with dumbbell/kettlebell in right side front rack
  • 20 Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead, left arm
  • 20 Step ups with dumbbell/kettlebell in left side front rack


Today’s workout is a time priority. Try to stay smooth and move continuously for the entire workout.

The shoulder to overhead should be light and unbroken for at least 3 rounds. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The step ups should be done to a height that allows you to move continuously. Alternate legs every rep.

Some different variations of this workout include using a light barbell for your shoulder to overhead and throwing a seabag over your shoulder for your step ups.

At Home Midline Extras

8 Rounds

  • :20 Side Plank (left)
  • :10 Rest

right into…

8 Rounds

  • :20 Side Plank (right)
  • :10 Rest


We are going to finish today with side planks. Keep your legs, butt, and belly tight so your body is in a straight line. Spread your feet if you struggle to stay balanced.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike / Run

5:00 Easy Warm Up

2:30, 2:00, 1:30, 1:00, :30, 1:00, 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 2:00, 1:30, 1:00, :30 Intervals

Rest the same amount of time as the interval you just completed

5:00 Cool down


Today’s endurance workout is 13 different intervals. Rest the same amount of time as the interval you just completed. For example, after the first 2:30 interval, you will rest 2:30 and then begin the 2:00 interval. You will then rest 2:00 and begin the 1:30 interval. Continue until you have finished all intervals. Try to keep all the intervals the same pace across sets.

Pacing Guidelines:

Bike Erg Rower Assault Bike Run
Moderate: 70-80RPM Moderate: 2k+:10 Moderate: 55-70 RPM Moderate: mile pace + :15