
3 Sets

  • 6-8 Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Row @ 21X1
  • 6-8/side Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Press @ 21X1


Today we will be working on upperbody pushing and pulling strength. You will alternate between two exercises and complete 3 working sets. Use a challenging weight for every working set.

Supinated Grip Bent Over Barbell Row Maintain a neutral spine and keep the knees back. Pull the bar towards the bottom of the rib cage. Get all 8 reps, then add weight.

Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Press Keep your torso upright and finish with the dumbbell overhead and shoulder in an externally rotated position. Get all 8 reps, then add weight.


Complete as many reps as possible in 12:00

  • 6 x (Renegade Row each arm + Push Up)
  • 12 Dumbbell Snatches


Our workout today is a triplet of renegade rows, push ups, and dumbbell snatches. You will have two dumbbells for the renegade rows, then use one of those dumbbells during the snatches. You will start each round in a plank with your hands on the dumbbell and perform a renegade row with each arm, then one push up. Repeat that for 6 reps. Then perform 12 dumbbell snatches. That is one round. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed in 12-minutes.

The renegade row will most likely be the limiting factor. So that will dictate what weight you use. Make sure it is light enough to perform the row with good mechanics. Spread your feet a bit in the plank, keep your shoulders protracted, and pull towards the bottom of the ribs with minimal shift from the torso.

If you have trouble with the push ups you can either perform them from your knees and maintain the rep scheme or you can perform all 6 renegade rows, then 6 push ups with your hands elevated on a box.

Your upper-body will be fatigued in this workout, so be sure to use the hips and legs as much as possible during the dumbbell snatches.