Schedule Updates

Our Holiday schedule is as follows:

  • Friday 12/24: 0900 CrossFit, 1000-1200 Open Gym
  • Saturday 12/25: Closed
  • Friday 12/31: 1715 CrossFit (All other classes are cancelled)
  • Saturday 1/1: 0900 CrossFit, 1000-1200 Open Gym


3 Rounds

  • Ring Bicep Curl @ 2111 x 8-10
  • Feet elevated thoracic bridge x :15 hold
  • Ring Tricep Extension @ 2112 x 8-10
  • German Hang x :15 hold at end range


For our strength today, you will rotate through four exercises for a total of 3 sets. You can take your time between exercises.

Ring Bicep Curl (third video). To make the rep easier, walk your feet back so that you are more vertical.

For the feet elevated thoracic bridge, first focus on getting your arms straight, then try to straighten the legs. Most of us will need to elevate our feet on a bigger box than seen in this picture here. If you cannot perform this with your hands on the ground, you can perform this with your feet on the ground, reaching back to the stall bars or wall, like this (though your hands most likely won’t be nearly as low).

Here is a video of the ring tricep extension. Make sure you are not moving from the shoulder and only extending at the elbow to isolate the tricep.

Choose one of the variations from our German Hang Progression. Once you are at the end range of the German hang, hold for :15.


Working in teams of 2, alternating full rounds, complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00:

  • 300-350m Row @ 1k pace
  • 2 Wall Walks


Our workout today is a partner workout. You and your partner will alternate rounds of rowing and wall walks for 20-minutes. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps completed.

Aim to hold your 1k pace from our test two weeks ago on the row. The row should not take longer than 1:25. Lower the target distance if needed to stay under that time domain.

Move smoothly on the wall walk. Don’t let the 2 reps take longer than :30. Adjust the number of reps or target height if needed.