2 Sets
In 2:00
- 40m heavy dumbbell farmer carry
- Max sandbag ground to/over shoulder in remaining time
rest 2 min
In 2:00:
- 80m Shuttle Run (10m down, 10m back x 4)
- Max Wall Walks in remaining time
rest 2 min
In 2:00:
- 2 rope climbs
- Max calorie bike in remaining time
rest 4 min
Today’s workout is three couplets that you will run through twice. You will have two minutes to complete a buy-in or either farmer carry, shuttle run, or rope climbs, then the remaining time to complete as many reps as possible of either sandbag over the shoulder, wall walks, or calories on the bike. Your score is the sum total number of reps from each interval.
You want the farmer’s carry to feel heavy, but you should be able to complete the 40m without putting the dumbbells down.
Choose a sandbag weight that allows you to complete one rep every :06-08. It should be heavy, but make sure you can maintain a neutral spine throughout the lift.
The shuttle run should not take longer than :45 to complete. Adjsut the distance accordingly.
If you don’t feel comfortable reaching a full handstand in the wall walk, stop short of vertical, pause for a second, then control the descent.
The rope climbs should not take longer than :40 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or substitute hanging knee raises, rope lowers, or a technique drill. Here is a good test to show that you have enough confidence on the rope to climb to the top safely.
You will have a good bit of rest after the calories on the bike, so push the pace to 90-95% effort.