
Deadlift @ 10X1

  • x 10 x 3 sets


Today’s strength is deadlifts. You will perform 3 sets of 10 reps and take about 2-3 minutes rest between sets. Every rep will be performed with a :01 pause at lockout, :01 smooth lower, and no pause on the ground.

Take 4-6 warm up sets to build to your working weight. Your working weight should be a 7/10 difficulty. This means that you should finish your set and feel like you could have done at least 3 more reps at that tempo.


At 0:00, for time:

  • 12-10-8-6-4-2 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
  • 9-12 Calories

At 10:00, for time:

  • 12-10-8-6-4-2 Alternating Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
  • 9-12 Calories

8:00 time cap each workout


Today’s conditioning is 2 sets of heavy dumbbell work and calories. There is an 8-minute time cap on each workout. Your score is the sum total time of both sets.

The dumbbell snatches should be heavy. Focus on a strong leg drive and punch up against the dumbbell to receive it in a stable overhead position. Challenge yourself here.

The dumbbell clean and jerks should also be heavy. It should be the same weight as the dumbbell snatches.

The calories should take no longer than :40 each round. adjust the number of calories accordingly.