
Back Squat Tempo + Regular

  • x 4 x 5 sets

*First rep has :05 negative and :05 pause


Today’s strength is back squats. You will perform 5 sets of 4 reps with the same weight across all 5 sets. The first of the 4 reps will be performed with a :05 descent and :05 pause in the bottom. The following three reps do not have a tempo restriction. Warm up to a weight that feels like a 7-8/10 difficulty and use this weight for all 5 working sets. If you were here last week, try and use the same weight today that you used for last weeks sets of 3.

If you do not have access to a barbell, perform any variation of weighted squats. You may adjust the rep scheme and the tempo as needed to achieve the intended stimulus.


2 Sets

Complete as many reps as possible in 6:00:
3* Hang Squat Cleans
3* Toes to Bar
35 Double Unders

Rest 4:00


Today’s conditioning is 2 sets of 6-minutes of work with 4-minutes rest between the two. Total up all the reps you complete each set. Your score will be the lower number between the two sets.

The hang squat cleans should be done at a light weight that allows you to remain unbroken through the set of 9.

The toes to bar should also remain unbroken through the set of 9. You may substitute knee raises or sit ups.

The double unders should be quick each round. Don’t let them take any longer than :25. Substitute single unders, jumping jacks, or pogo jumps.