*Schedule Note*

On Wednesday, June 17th all indoor classes are cancelled. We are having a giant fan installed.

We will be offering the following classes:
0600 – Zoom
0730 – Endurance with Danielle on Zoom
0900 – Zoom
1700 – Zoom
1800 – Washington Park
Thank you for understanding.


For Time:

  • 40/30 Calories
  • 30 Squat Clean
  • 20 Box Step Over
  • 40 Strict Handstand Push Ups or Push Press
  • 20 Box Step Over
  • 30 Squat Clean
  • 40/30 Calories


Today’s conditioning is a chipper with a 24:00 time cap. Your score is the time it takes to complete all the reps or how many reps you complete in 24:00.

The calories should take no more than 3:00 to complete on either end of the workout. Adjust the number of reps as needed. If you do not have machine, complete a 500m run or a distance that also takes no more than 3:00 to complete.

The squat cleans may be performed with a moderate weight. You can use one or two dumbbells or kettlebells, a barbell, or an odd object. The 30 reps should take no longer than 3:00 on either end of the workout.

The step overs may be weighted with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbell, or an odd object. Choose a weight and height that allows you to perform the 20 reps in no more than 2 sets. If you do not have a stable surface to step on, substitute weighted lunges.

The strict handstand push ups should be performed in no more than 3:00. Adjust the number of reps as needed. You may substitute any variation of a push press. The weight should be moderate and you should complete the 40 reps in no more than 3:00.


3 sets:

  • 500m at mile pace,
  • Rest 1:00
  • 300m at mile pace

Rest 4min b/t sets


Today’s track workout is intervals at your mile pace. These should be hard efforts, but not sprints. Try to stay in control the whole time.