Broad Jumps

Take 10 minutes to find a max standing distance broad jump


Today we are going to test out standing broad jump. From standing still, jump as far forward as you can. Make sure to keep your knees tracking over your toes as you load up, take off, and land. Just like when we squat or deadlift and screw our feet into the ground to externally rotate in the hip, you will do the same thing when you load up for your standing broad jump.

At Home Conditioning


For time:

  • 150 Wall Balls

10:00 time cap


Today’s workout is the benchmark “Karen.” We are placing a 10 minute time cap on today’s workout. Your score will either be the time it takes to complete all 150 reps or the number of reps you get in 10:00.

There are multiple ways to approach this workout. You can try and complete 15 reps unbroken at the top of every minute. You can perform 15 sets of 10 reps with a :10 break between all sets. You can try a descending rep scheme such as 50-40-30-20-10 with no more than :30 rest between sets. Whatever you choose, try and be disciplined with your breaks.

If you do not have a wall ball, you can perform jump squats or light thrusters.

21 Gun Salute

2 Rounds not for time


  • 7 from bottom to half way up
  • 7 from half way up to top
  • 7 full curls


We are finishing off the day with a 21 Gun Salute. Check out this video of how to perform the salute.

You can perform these curls with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, plates, or with any household object you can find. If you don’t have something light enough to get through all 21 reps, lower it to 5 reps each.