1a) Bench Press
- x 8 x 5 sets @ RPE 5-6
1b) Single Arm Dumbbell Row
- x 10 per arm x 5 sets @ RPE 8-9
Strength Notes
Today’s strength consists of two exercises between which you will alternate for five working sets. For the bench press, warm up to a moderate weight that will not get too challenging at any point and use that weight for all five sets. Every rep will be performed with a pause on the chest. For the dumbbell row, choose a heavy dumbbell that still allows you to achieve a full range of motion each rep and use that for all five sets.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:
- 15 Power Cleans (95/135)
- 20 Toes to Bar
Conditioning Notes
Today’s conditioning is a time priority workout consisting of two movements. Choose a weight on the power cleans that allows you to perform either quick singles or small touch and go sets. You should be able to get through 15 reps in about 1:30 each round. The toes to bar should be done in about 3 sets at most. You should be able to accomplish all 20 reps in about 2:00 each round. Switch the toes to bar to knee raises or perform a combination of toes to bar and knee raises each set to accomplish this. We would like to see at least 3 rounds completed.