*Programming Note*
Our main focus for gymnastics days is the muscle up. We will be emphasizing strict strength and positions more because we are putting dynamic gymnastics in the conditioning during the week. This is to ensure we don’t over-stress the shoulders but continue to build competence in the basic shapes (hollow/arch, top/bottom of the dip, handstands, pull ups, etc.) Let your coaches know if you have any questions.
Every minute, on the minute, for 10:00:
- Kipping Ring Dips x 5-7
- Ring Kip x 5-7
Scaling Options:
- Dips on Boxes x 5-7
- Feet Supported Dips x 5-7
Every minute, on the minute, for 10:00:
- Wall Facing Handstand Push Ups x 2-3 @ 51X5
- Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 3-5 @ 23X1
Scaling Options:
- Strict Handstand Push Ups off Box x 2-3 @ 51X5
- Ring Row x 3-5 @ 23X1
- Partner Assisted Pull Ups x 3-5 @ 23X1
Every minute, on the minute, for 6:00:
- Plank Fall Out x 2-3
- False Grip Ring Row x 6-8
Optional Independent Work
3 Sets:
- Band U x 10
- Band Tricep Push Down x 25
- Band Y x 10