Performance: Clean and Jerk
- 5 x 3 @ >80%
*Drop the bar between reps
Fitness: Hang Clean x 3 + Split Jerk x 3
- Build until technique degrades
*You will perform 3 hang cleans, then 3 split jerks. This helps to simplify the lift as you do not have to go from overhead back down to the hang position.
3 Sets:
In 4:00, climb the ladder adding 5 reps every round (5-10-15-20… reps):
- Wall Balls (20/14)
- Burpees
- Calorie Row or Bike
2:00 Active Recovery between sets
Optional Independent Work
3 Sets:
- 5 Overhead Squats @ 30X0
- 12 Push Press
1 Set:
- 5-15 Unbroken Muscle Ups