
4 Sets

  • 3-5/arm Alternating False Grip Archer Ring Row @ 2011
  • 5-7 Stationary Dips @ 2111


Our strength today is focused on upper body pushing and pulling. You will alternate between the two exercises for 4 working sets.

Alternating Arm False Grip Archer Ring Row. Stick to the tempo and get all the reps, then make the angle harder. This movement is adjusted just like a normal ring row. The closer you are to horizontal, the harder the exercise.

Stationary Dips. Get all the reps at the tempo, then add weight. Use your feet or a light band for a spot. Prioritize as long of a range of motion as possible.


5 Rounds

In 1:15:

  • 20m Farmer’s Carry
  • Max Calorie Assault or Echo Bike

Rest 2:30


Our workout today is five rounds of 1:15 of work with 2:30 of rest. You will complete a 20m farmer’s carry, then in the remaining time accumulate as many calories as possible on an assault bike or echo bike. Your score is the sum total number of calories from each round.

The farmer’s carry should be heavy. Choose a weight you can walk 10m down unbroken, then turn around and carry another 10m back unbroken.

We have four assault bikes and one echo bike. In a bigger class, the coach will run 3 heats. So don’t worry, there is a fan bike for everyone. Work at a hard, but repeatable pace and try to stay consistent across rounds.