Schedule Updates

Our Holiday schedule is as follows:

  • Friday 12/24: 0900 CrossFit, 1000-1200 Open Gym
  • Saturday 12/25: Closed
  • Friday 12/31: No 1730 Class (all other classes follow normal Friday schedule)
  • Saturday 1/1: 0900 CrossFit, 1000-1200 Open Gym


3 Sets

  • 8-12 Spotted Handstand Walk Steps
  • 8-12 Lateral Handstand Walk Steps per side
  • 8-12 Box Handstand Walk Steps per side
  • 8-12 Shoulder shifts in plank, pike, or handstand

Rest about 2:00 between sets


We are adding another option to our handstand walking progression today. But again, don’t worry if you feel you are not yet ready to get inverted. We will have a progression that is suitable for all levels of comfort with a handstand.

If you can show control on the lateral walks against the wall, try a spotted handstand walk.

We will be either working on walking laterally or simply getting comfortable supporting your body weight with a solid lockout on one arm. If you are walking, you can choose to either perform your walks against the wall or around a box. If you don’t feel comfortable bringing a hand off the ground, you can work on shoulder shifts in a plank, pike, or handstand. Focus on keeping your lower body tight, pushing tall through the support arm, and maintain a good lockout on the support arm.


3 Sets

  • 4-5 Ring Fall Outs
  • 10m Reverse Walking Pike Hold


We are switching up our straight arm strength work today with two new exercises.

Ring fall outs. You may adjust the ring fall throughs by raising the rings up so that when your arms are overhead, you are not quite as close to the ground.

Reverse Walking Pike Hold. Focus on keeping your arms straight and pushing up through the shoulders each step.


In 3:00:

  • 18 BBJO buy-in
  • Max cals in remaining time

-1min Rest-

In 3:00:

  • 24-30cals buy-in
  • Max BBJO in remaining time

-1min Rest-

In 3:00:

  • 18 BBJO buy-in
  • Max cals in remaining time

-1min Rest-

In 3:00

  • 24-30cals Row buy-in
  • Max BBJO in remaining time


Today’s workouts is four intervals of burpee box jump overs and calories. In the first and third interval, you will begin with a buy-in of 18 burpee box jump overs and then accumulate as many calories as you can. During the second and fourth interval, you will begin with a buy-in of 24-30 calories and then accumulate as many burpee box jump overs as you can. Your score is the sum total number of calories from rounds 1 and 3 plus the sum total number of burpees from rounds 2 and 4.

The burpee buy-in should not take longer than 2:00 to complete. Adjust the number of reps and/or box height as needed.

The calorie buy-in should also not take longer than 2:00 to complete. Adjust the target number accordingly.