
At 0:00, with a partner, alternating full rounds, complete 5 Rounds each of:

  • 15-20 Calories
  • 20m Heavy Farmer’s Carry

At 20:00, with a partner, alternating full rounds, complete 5 Rounds each of:

  • 15-20 Calories
  • 20m Sandbag Carry

15:00 time cap each workout.


Today’s conditioning is two different couplets to be completed with a partner. Your score is the sum total time of both couplets.

Partner 1 will begin by completing 15-20 calories, then a 20m farmer’s carry. Then partner 2 will do the same. This will continue until each partner has
done 5 rounds. The second couplet follows the same format, except you will be doing a sandbag carry instead of a farmer’s carry.

The calories should not take longer than 1:00 to complete. Adjust the number accordingly. You will hit the time cap if you cannot complete the calories in under 1-minute.

The farmer’s carry should be heavy. You will complete 10m unbroken, put the weights down, turn around, and complete 10m unbroken. Challenge yourself, but make sure you can maintain unbroken 10m segments.

The sandbag carry should also be challenging. Here, you will walk 10m down, and return 10m without putting the sandbag down. If there is not an appropriate sandbag weight available, substitute heavy double kettlebell front rack carry.