
Evey 2:00 for 3 rounds

  • 10 Kettlebell Snatch


Today’s skill work is meant as practice for the benchmark workout. You will perform 10 snatches (5/arm) at the top of every 2 minutes for 3 rounds. Build in weight across the 3 rounds. Aim to finish at a heavier weight than you will use in the workout.


July 2021 Benchmark

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00:

  • 12 Kettlebell Snatch
  • 10m Forward Crawl
  • 6 Pull Ups
  • 10m Forward Crawl


This month’s benchmark is our longest continuous effort yet. The key here is to settle into a pace and keep moving. There is nothing here that should cause you to take a long break or force you to break up sets of snatches or pull ups.

Yes, we are using kettlebells instead of dumbbells for the snatch. Keep the grip relaxed and use the stretch reflex in your posterior chain to be as efficient as possible here. Take a quick pause at the top of each rep to help keep your rhythm and breathing under control. Use a weight that allows you to complete 6 unbroken reps on one arm, then 6 unbroken reps on the other arm throughout the workout.

Make sure the crawl is a contralateral movement. This means your right arm and left leg move together, and your left arm and right leg move together. Aim to complete the 10m segments unbroken.

Any style pull up is acceptable. You should complete 6 unbroken reps throughout the workout. Jumping pull ups, banded pull ups, and ring rows are all good substitutions. Make note of which substitution you made so that you can replicate it for the retest at the end of the month.