
Complete as many reps as possible in 9:00:

  • 2 Strict Supinated Grip Pull Ups
  • 2 Strict Press

*Add 2 reps every round


Today’s strength is 9-minutes of supinated grip pull ups and strict press. You will start with 2 reps of each, then perform 4 of each, then 6, and so on up the ladder.

The pull ups are performed with a supinated grip, which means palms facing you. Make sure you start with your arms straight and shoulders open and finish with your chin over the bar. No swinging or kipping is allowed. You should be able to perform at least 6 pull ups unbroken. If you cannot, you may substitute ring rows.

The strict press should be very light. You may use a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells. Show a full lockout at the top of each rep. Keep your lower body tight throughout the lift.


Every minute on the minute, for as long as possible:

  • 6-10 Calories

*Add 1 calorie every minute


Today’s conditioning is death by calories. At “3, 2, 1, go…!” you will perform 6-10 calories, then rest the remainder of the minute. At the top of the next minute, you will complete 1 additional calorie over the total you completed in the previous minute. In other words, if you decide to start on minute 1 with 7 calories, on minute 2 you will complete 8 calories, then 9, and so on until you cannot complete the number of calories in the 1-minute window.

You want to choose a number of calories to start with that allows you to complete at least 7 rounds.