5 Rounds
- :20 Max strict Pull Ups
- :10 Rest
- :20 Max Push Ups
- 1:00 Rest
Today’s strength is strict pull ups and push ups. Each round you will complete :20 of pull ups and :20 of push ups. Add the total reps together each round. SugarWOD will add the 5 rounds together for you and that is your score.
You should be able to hang on to the pull up bar for the entire :20. Try to keep a relatively smooth pace on the pull ups. You may substitute ring rows performed at a difficult angle.
There is no prescribed tempo on the push ups, but be sure to move through a full range of motion every rep. Elevate your hands on a box if you think you will hit muscle failure too soon.
Part 1: Complete as many reps as possible in 8:00:
- 2* Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead
- 5-7 Calories
*Add 2 reps every round
Rest 2:00 before part 2
Part 2: Go back down the ladder for time.
Today’s conditioning is 2 parts. You will complete as many reps as possible in 8-minutes, starting with 2 reps of the shoulder to overhead, then 5-7 calories. On the next round, you’ll perform 4 shoulder to overhead, then 5-7 calories. Continue to add 2 reps to the shoulder to overhead every round. After the first 8-minutes, you’ll rest 2-minutes, then go back down the ladder for time. For example, if you finish 14/16 shoulder to overhead when time expires, you’ll begin with 14 shoulder to overhead, then 5-7 calories, then 12 shoulder to overhead, then 5-7 calories, and so on down the ladder until you finish 2 shoulder to overhead.
The shoulder to overhead is single count and you may switch arms whenever you want. Use a moderate weight that allows you to complete at least 8 reps unbroken on one side.
The calories should be done in under :30 every time. Adjust the number accordingly.